Thursday, May 7, 2009

Will of Nicholas Blake - 1547

I was so excited with my find yesterday on the National Archives (UK) site that I missed writing up my blog. The Will of Nicholas Blake of Ellingham appeared on the Documents on Line and I decided to download it because it was dated 1547. After receiving the document (2 pages) I discovered that it was actually Nicholas Blake of Enham. The Enham was quite sprawled and could easily be thought to be Ell[ing]ham. However, I recognized the Church of Saint Michael and all Angels at Andover and quite a few references to Andover and then the prize was his wife Margaret and his eldest son William, second son Edmund and daughters Elizabeth and Alice. What a gem! Now I just need to acquire the wills of Robert d 1522 and Richard d 1522 at Knights Enham. I also want to order the will of Jone Blake d 1527, of Joan Blake d 1631 and I want to sort through and see what else might be useful as I will order six items from the Hampshire Record Office.

Other than that we took the dogs for a walk around noon and they had such fun. They were so excited that they literally ran us to the park (about four blocks) and then we ran most of the way around the pond in the park (about 2 kilometres). Good exercise for us!

Today I shall continue working on Nicholas' will and I want to read Tribes of Britain. I also have set aside a couple of hours for Latin study. I will use the Postmortem of Francis Baildon to practice the skills!

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