Monday, June 1, 2009

Andover Parish Registers - 23

Today was an incredibly busy day as we had a meeting in the morning to help out with a Genealogy Day Camp this summer. That was a couple of hours and then we picked up another 10 bags of topsoil for the garden.

Then home again and lunch. Then off to buy groceries and some proofreading. I managed to get through another 20 samples with just 75 left to go. I hope to finish by the end of the week. I also managed to do so some transcription of the Andover Parish Register #1 - burial portion. I have now completed to the end of 1620 or 1418 burials in the database. I expect that there will be around 2500 burials up to 1633.

We also ordered an item from the Shopping Channel for the first time. It is a film scanner/35 mm slide scanner. My husband has nearly scanned all of the negatives that he has taken in the last 43 years so wants to move on to the slides as we have about 15 years of slides although he always had them printed as well so we have the pictures.

The dogs came to see us for a little while today but it was raining so they couldn't run lose in the backyard or they would have been very muddy.

Tomorrow I hope to complete another 30 data sets proofreading. I would also like to complete up to 1625 in the Parish Register.

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