Sunday, June 14, 2009

Archives of Ontario

We visited the Archives of Ontario building on the York University campus this past week - an excellent opportunity presented itself and we leaped at it. The new building is absolutely grand. The microfilm readers are an absolute gem with large flat screens and automatic winders in abundance. I spent quite a bit of time recording the township papers for my Routledge family as they were Talbot Settlers arriving in 1818 and on their land in 1819. There were a number of documents for each of them. I did not find though the documents for George Kennedy their son in law.

As well my husband had excellent luck investigating his German great grandparents. More on this later. We also went to his Public School Reunion in Princeton Ontario where he saw classmates of 50 to 58 years ago. A truly remarkable event with lots of old pictures to find him and his brother in.

I kept meaning to write in my blog but by evening when we were done for the day exhaustion took over and I was fast asleep without recording a single word.

Tomorrow I want to start on the Timberscombe Parish Registers.

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