Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Connecting to the Internet

My portable decided to not connect to the Internet so I spent a day looking into that and I discovered that my Toshiba can go backwards in time and reset the system. A great tool and I took it back before I had loaded PANDO and before we had been away for a couple of days. Then a couple of other fixes and presto I was connecting once again to the internet with a plus. Since the new Rogers Virus package was setup I couldn't see my desktop computer from my portable and now I can - a real plus as I use that feature to transfer files from the portable back to the desktop which is my usual computer to use when we are at home. I back that computer up regularly and only use my laptop as a portable notebook basically although it can do lots of things and has an enormous harddrive. I have 180 useable GBs on the portable with 110GB free which means that I can download as many images as I can possibly collect in one trip of a couple of days in a library.

I also thought some more about the Hinxman family and realized that the William Hinxman will that I transcribed whilst we were in New York is likely the grandson of Eleanor (Blake) Hinxman rather than the son. He mentions his cousins Noyse which would be the children of his Aunt Jane (Hinxman) Noyse. I haven't really thought about the Hinxman family with respect to generations because my interest was always in seeing whether they mentioned their Blake cousins which they did not. William, my ancestor, died in 1696 at Foxcott without a will and I would dearly love to know the names of his children other than the parish register plus the children of his children other than the parish register. William was constantly selling off leases to his siblings (likely to provide a living for himself, his wife (Anne Hellier Blake) and his children: William (baptized 9 August 1647), John (baptized 10 May 1649), and Dorothy (baptized 8 Sep 1655). Possibly there was another daughter but I need to continue transcribing the Andover Parish Registers to understand that. William (the son) disappears from the records at Andover as far as I can tell thus far. For the daughter Dorothy I have no other entries. John married Elizabeth and they had 11 children of whom 5 died in infancy. Of the remaining children 4 were sons: Thomas (baptized 21 Feb 1685 and my ancestor), John (baptized 23 Nov 1690), William (baptized 9 January 1698), and Joseph (baptized 24 Feb 1702)and all at Andover. Two daughters were baptized: Margaret 8 January 1689 and Elizabeth 27 Oct 1695. John's wife Elizabeth was buried at Andover 12 Sep 1712. My ancestor Thomas was buried 29 Jan 1714 at Andover. His brother John was buried 27 Nov 1729 at Andover. His brother Joseph was buried 20 Mar 1784 at Andover.

William, the father who appears to be buried at Foxcott 1696, never worked again as a priest. He could have been a teacher and I haven't found the records. No mention is made of his being ordained in his burial record. The lines state: William Blake of Foxkett [May} 1. There are few references to location so this must have been meaningful to the priest and to separate him from other William Blake entries perhaps but I need to transcribe the register to determine that. Since there are continuing land records for this William well into the late 1680s and early 1690s it would appear to be the correct person as the records tend to deal with Foxcott.

Today I hope to return to transcribing. My shoulder is improving and would tolerate longer periods typing.

Yesterday I also worked on the T study looking at the scientific papers published and adding those details to the database.

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