Saturday, June 20, 2009

Find My Past - 2

I decided to still not do too much typing today. That meant I didn't touch the Timberscombe Bishops Transcripts. Instead I spent a little time searching on Find My Past - just a few letters and a whole list of data appears. I looked at the Taylor family in Birmingham/Lancashire to see if I could find any clues for Ellen Taylor (my great grandmother and my mtDNA line), Blake, Knight, Butt, Pincombe, and then a long look at the BMDs in Dorset. That is a real bonus to have the records for Dorset as it is the one record office that will not sell Parish Register Fiche/Film to me. I have acquired a number of documents on Ancestry from one of the public trees but this set of records will also help to fatten up the bare bones that I have for many of my Dorset ancestors.

I have been doing my shoulder exercises as I had moved away from them the last couple of months since my shoulder appeared to be so much better. I think it is quite a bit better but suspect that it is a lifelong necessity to continue doing the exercises at least a couple of times a week. I shall do that.

We celebrated Father's Day this evening with a lovely meal at a local restaurant. My husband had his favourite pork side ribs and I had a 1/4 chicken meal which was also very good. Then we went back to our daughter and her fiance's home for a chatting time and to talk about the wedding. It should be quite beautiful and I said that I would do the cake. I will do a preliminary run with the cake for the Engagement Party later in the summer. We will see how well I do with that and if I am pleased (and they are as well :) ) then I will do the wedding cake.

I uploaded the bare bones gedcom to Find My Past and when they open it up to matching that could prove interesting as all my ancestors are English. Perhaps in the near future that will happen. I have been very lucky with Genes Reunited.

Tomorrow I hope to get back to the Timberscombe Bishops Transcripts.

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