Saturday, June 27, 2009

T haplogroup Study-2

Still working away on the study and haven't gotten back to transcription. I hope to do that soon. We have been really busy with the garden and some dog-sitting. We went out and bought a yard pole and leash for the younger dog so that we can just sit outside sometimes with him when he comes. In the heat of the day it keeps him back in the shade since he loves to run about. I know my transcription will not disappear so will leave it until I have lots of time again which will likely be soon :)

I need to have my bio, etc. prepared by July 17 for inclusion in the Syllabus for the conference in September. I am mulling about the items that I will talk about and then I need to touch base with the other DNA presenter just to review what I am going to talk about. I can see some positives and negatives with doing that actually. She is a well known speaker and might object to some of my thoughts. I have a number of studies that I could use and I am not prepared to share any of the details online which might make our discussions non-productive. Anyway I shall contact her as she herself may not wish to speak with me which would work out quite well actually. Since I will be using personal items or items from one name studies we are unlikely to overlap. I will stick to my English/Irish/Scot DNA research since this is a British Isles Family History Society Conference.

Srawberries are ready now and so that will be the delicacy for the next couple of weeks. I made strawberry shortcake yesterday and today. We do not use whipping cream anymore so not quite so many calories. We were off for a bike ride this morning (15.5 kilometres) and missed the rain very nicely. It is slightly overcase this evening and cooling down. Usually we just get a few days of heat in a row and then a cooling spell.

I ordered an extended haplogroup study for my paternal line today and one of the new SNPs L161 to see if our line will be ancestral or derived for that one. one of the I2-Isles-D is derived. Other than knowing that my line was at Andover in the late 1400s on paper and that published histories claim this line goes back to Blakelands (near Calne Wiltshire) in the late 1200s I do not have any further information on the BLAKE line. I do not have any stories of them coming over with William the Conqueror. No immigration stories. No hint that they may be descendants of the Roman soldiers that came to Britain. They owned property at Blakelands and other places in that area in the 1200s right up to the 1500s and then they basically disappear from that area as they moved southward towards the New Forest area where they are found in the 1600s, 1700s and up to the present and eastward towards Andover where my family line is found from the late 1400s to the present. In 1757 Joseph Blake of Andover married Joanna King of Upper Clatford (her father was a farmer and Joanna was his only child). The Blake family (mine) are found at Upper Clatford from that time forward until my grandfather became a blacksmith and moved to Eastleigh where he worked for the railway.

Waiting to hear more about the WTY and my husband's null 425 group. Once that result is in he could test for any new SNPs.

Tomorrow I shall spend some time on transcription unless something else gets in the way.

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