Thursday, June 25, 2009

T haplogroup study

I decided that I really needed to enter the GenBank data into my spreadsheet and that ended up taking most of the day yesterday. Plus I needed to go and buy my daughter some presents for her birthday (already one day late!) but she hadn't given me hints. I ended up buying some "household" items and hope that she likes them.

Very warm weather finally here and the cold chills of the winter are finally disappearing. It is very cold here and it isn't until the really warm days of summer come that I can feel that dreadful minus 30 feeling slipping away from me. It takes about two or three weeks of really hot weather (i.e. over 35 celsius) for me to feel that it is really very very warm. Mind you we do have central air conditioning so is perhaps unfair of me to say that it takes time to get too much hot weather since I am always comfortable indoors.

I need to get back to my transcriptions and I am perhaps dreading that a little as both of the sets that I am transcribing in concert are very very difficult. It would be nice to see them both though and that will eventually inspire me to return. My portable continues its sterling recovery. I do not use it a lot (for Skype to talk to my daughters on occasion) although with both my husband and I now having laptops it makes going to repositories much much easier. Of course my interest in genealogy stems only from 2003 although I have certainly put a lot of time into it since then. It occupied all of my non-working hours for about four years whilst I was doing all the course work at the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. I also want to work on my CG next winter just to bring myself to that level of genealogical research. I purchased the application way back at FGS in Boston which seems so long ago now but as I did more and more research on my own I realized that I wasn't ready to put CG after my name although I am using my postnomials from the National Institute, PLCGS (Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies).

Other than that we are gardening and that is growing quickly. We had our usual "battles" with the wild bunnies as to whom was going to eat various crops but wire cages solved that problem and we let the clover grow a little longer to give them lots of greens until everything is big enough that we can all share :)

Tomorrow I will get back to my transcriptions I rather think.

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