Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Timberscombe Bishops Transcripts - 1

I started working on the Timberscombe records today and I am using the FreeREG templates with the GSU Number and Film Number tacked on the end. Thus far I have completed to the end of 1605 with 20 baptisms, 6 marriages and 28 burials. The next page is missing the top portion so the March/April 1606 baptisms are lost except for one single name which I can read - Nurcombe. I was actually surprised to find Nurcombe at Timberscombe as they tended to be at Wiveliscombe in the 1600s. However those records are a later time period so perhaps this is a very interesting discovery. My 3x great grandmother Elizabeth Siderfin's aunt Ann married John Nurcombe in the early 1800s at Selworthy with his parents John Nurcombe and Mary Chapman marrying at Wootton Courtney.

I expect that I will learn a great deal from these registers and I am rather hopeful to find my Moggridge family there in the early days. I did learn that the Moggridge family are actually a Devon family which moved into Somerset in the 1600s. They still remained in Devon as well at Twitchen which was later farmed by Thomas Pincombe (youngest brother of my 3x great grandfather Robert Pincombe).

I had an interesting query for Bishops Nympton on the Snell family. The Snell family continued to live at Bishops Nympton well into the 1900s and are found in the 1770s in the Parish Register for their first entries at Bishops Nympton. One of those many interesting families that arrived in the 1700s along with my Charley family. It is curious why they decided to come to Bishops Nympton at that time. As I learn more and more about the area that detail may well reveal itself. My Pincombe line is found there continuously from the late 1500s.

Tonight my husband gave a very interesting lecture on his family lines that emigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony (from England mostly) in the 1600s. He could do the same talk with his Dutch ancestors to New Amsterdam in the 1600s actually as he has a number of rather interesting people there as well. It still amazes me that so much of his family history was lost when they came to Canada although with early deaths of mothers who would have carried the stories to the children one can understand this loss of knowledge. I can never decide which one is the most interesting but I honestly have never seen so many Baptists ministers in one person's family line!

The next project to prepare for is my talk at BIFHSGO in the Fall on Case Studies. I have pretty well covered a number of studies already which includes my husband's Kipp line which is interesting but no new candidates to add to the knowledge of the three brother's descendants. I will probably not discuss the Kipp line this time. I would like to do my Blake line and will continue to hunt out information on that line. There is also the T study which I have finally finished proofreading and certainly there are interesting items in the results that I could discuss. I need to review that with my three co-investigators before hand to ensure that I am not including anything that they would prefer to wait until publication of our paper.

Tomorrow I will continue to work on the Timberscombe Bishops Transcripts.

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