Monday, June 15, 2009

Timberscombe Parish Registers - Bishops Transcripts

I finally managed to download my scans for doing the BMDs of Timberscombe from Pando. A very interesting program which has its problems with Vista but works perfectly with XP. There are some fixes to make it work on Vista but I decided to just use XP! I have 127 scans now from LDS via the Somerset OPC group (I an OPC for Timberscombe and a few others). I also have the fiche from the Somerset Record Office that I can compare with the Bishops Transcript scans.

I didn't make a start today as planned on the Timberscombe registers - I did get everything organized to begin though which is a necessary first step. The day was a busy one restocking the refrigerator and unpacking from our days away. I need to transfer my images over from my portable that I took at Archives Ontario. We also visited ROM so I took about 200 images of the Egyptian exhibit to share with our daughters who couldn't come with us unfortunately. They will enjoy them. The Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit begins at the end of June and we will go back to see that exhibit once again. I saw it in Montreal a number of years ago but always worth a second look (and this will actually be a third look).

I also have my images of the Routledge Township papers and the Thomas Talbot maps that I took. I would like to transcribe the names on the blocks of land in London Township with respect to Lot # and Concession # using the Talbot maps. My Routledge families are spread across five concessions all in a line around lots 24 to 27 beginning with Concession 3 and ending with concession 9. They still farm some of that land.

Tomorrow I will begin the Timberscombe registers plus do the washing. It was supposed to rain here today and did look like it on and off all day. So I will need to do that tomorrow.

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