Friday, July 10, 2009

Andover Parish Register 2 - 3

Carried on with the Andover Parish Registers again today and completed to the end of 1639 which is 2903 baptisms in total now in my excel file. A couple of new Blake entries and one surprising one which was a daughter (unnamed) to old Mr. William Blake. I shall need to work that one out. Again a couple of new names but still the older names continue in the register. This Register stops at 1642 and I will then do the marriages from 1634 to 1642 and following that the baptisms from 1634 to 1641. Then I can begin Register 3 which runs from 1642 to 1684. This will be a most interesting register and hopefully in better shape than the second register. I do know that ahead of me are pages and pages of neatly written baptismal, marriage and burial records. That will inspire me to keep going!

We went for a 10.5 km bike ride this morning and it was quite fresh. The parkway is closed for the next six weeks so we can partake of that great roadway every day of the week instead of just Sunday mornings when it is closed to traffic. I miss bike riding in the winter. It is very relaxing just to stroll along the Ottawa River on our bikes feeling the wind and enjoying the greenbelt.

I added Hampshire to my groups at Genealogy Wise. I need to update with information on Hampshire. I will advertise the DNA study at FT DNA as well. Acquiring people with a paper trail back to Hampshire is quite difficult actually. I only have six people of the 21 who are in the study. I asked to set up a Midlands and Birmingham mtDNA study and that one is still in the thought process. We will see if they are willing to set up this one. I think it will be very interesting as a study because Birmingham is like a crossroads with people coming there from the counties around Birmingham (Midlands); coming from Wales to Birmingham to work in the cotton factories; coming to Ireland to escape the famine and coming from Scotland to work in the factories. We should find an enormous variety of mtDNA and I will ask for a paper trail back to Birmingham and the Midlands. I have to decide which counties to include although it could be that that terminology is already decided for me.

This evening we went and ordered films from the Family History Centre - I ordered Hutton Cranswick and Driffield Yorkshire and Bradfield Berkshire. My husband ordered Staven, Schonbeck and Brohm Mecklenberg Germany. We are trying to put together his Schultz family for the next reunion in September. We have the details now for his great grandfather Schultz and want to acquire the details for his great grandmother Neumann. It has been quite a chase looking for their details.

Tomorrow I will work on the Andover Parish Registers. I think I will concentrate on them for a few days and then pick up the Timberscombe Transcripts again. I want to complete the Timberscombe by the end of August. The Andover will be a much longer proposition as I have 100 fiche for Andover up to the early 1900s.

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