Thursday, July 2, 2009

DNA study

I decided to extract the mitosearch entries for T haplogroup and that ended up being nearly 2000 entries. I extracted them by subgroups T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and as I write this I realized that I missed T and T* so will have to go back and collect them as well. I decided to do that and then come back and continue with my blog. There were another 700 entries which should prove very interesting. I will match them up with the mutations and see if I can add their knowledge of geographic location to the database effectively.

Needless to say my transcriptions are being set aside. I think perhaps I must have needed a rest from them. I shall get back to them soon though as I am very interested in the Andover registers in this time period.

I spent a little more time on my presentation as I have to do a short write up for the syllabus and also speak with one of the other speakers. I shall email her tomorrow since I am more or less ready with all my thoughts in place :)

One of the Mead researchers wrote to me today to ask about my talk and I explained that I wasn't doing anything with the Mead in this talk and it was mostly my own family lines (my husband is the Mead descendant). I do not have any American ancestry actually. With three grandparents born and raised in England and my father also born in England (he and his parents came to Canada in 1913), the chances of having American ancestry are quite slight.

I also learned a little more about the Sherwood family. The reputed father of my grandmother Blake was the grandson of John Sherwood. It might be interesting to discover if he actually was her father (George Cotterill).

Tomorrow will be another busy day and we have been having rain most days this week. It leaves me free to work away on my genealogy.

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