Saturday, July 25, 2009

Freeholder List - Somerset - 1647-1648

Working on some of the images that I took at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana, I have the Somerset Freeholder Lists for 1647-1648 (a few pages that interested me).

C. Christopher Escott of Cuttcombe gent.
C. John Question of Dunster gent.
Thomas Webber of Luxborrowe gent.
John Towilles of Treborowe gent.
Robert Quirke of Mynhead gent.
Francis Hawkwell of Cutcombe
Robert Nurcombe o.t.s.
Edward Pyle of Selworthie
Silvester Allercocke of Dunster
Henry Chapline o.t.s.
James Quirke of Mynhead
Richard Thorne of Treborowe
George Joyce of Cutcombe
John Richards of Oare
John Bryant of Tymberscombe
r.g. Henry Hatfell of Mynehed gent.


C. Committee man
gent. gentleman
o.t.s. of the same place as above
arm. armigerous

No Siderfin names were listed in Carhampton or in Williton and Freemannors below.

Williton and Freemannors
C. John St. Albon of Allfoxen arm.
C. John Siddenham of Dulverton arm.
Jacobus Cade of Stogumber gent.
Elias Halfnoth of Olde Cleeve gent.
Henry Sweetinge of Elworthy yeoman
John Nethercott of Winsford yeoman
John Baker of Halse yeoman
Phillip Henborrowe of Holford yeoman
Jeromy Cole o.t.s. yeoman
Robert Skynner of Dulverton yeoman
[entry crossed through]
Alfred Crewse o.t.s. yeoman
John Sellecke of Over Stowey yeoman
Robert Blake of Halse yeoman
John Thorne of Crocombe yeoman
Richard Blake of Stogumber yeoman
Thomas Cridland o.t.s. yeoman
John Truckwell of Elworthy yeoman

The Jurors List of 1697 does include Robert and William Siderfin in Carhampton.

Thomas Trill of Blackford
John Harrison o.t.s.
a Barrester Richard Ellsworth of Timberscombe arm.
Robert Siderfin o.t.s. arm.
Robert Cordinge of Cuttcombe
Robert Nurcombe o.t.s.
John Chapman o.t.s.
William Biscott o.t.s.
Nathaniel Yandle o.t.s.
Richard Court o.t.s.
George Escott of Durborowe gent.
Thomas Finch o.t.s. gent.
John Staddon o.t.s.
John Worth of Allerford arm.
Walter Coffin o.t.s. gent.
Robert Quicke o.t.s. gent.
Jacobus Blackford o.t.s. gent.
John Kent o.t.s.
Thomas Wrath of Dunstar, Barrister
William Blackford o.t.s. gent. attorney
Francis Pearse o.t.s. gent.
John Whitelock o.t.s. gent.
Robert Allercott o.t.s.
George Delbridge o.t.s.
John Wilkins o.t.s.
Robert Stronge o.t.s.
John Anthony o.t.s.
George Chaplin o.t.s.
Jacobus Wilkins o.t.s.
William Seely o.t.s. apothecary
Thomas Watts o.t.s.
Walter Slocombe o.t.s.
William Leigh o.t.s.
Hugh Matthewes o.t.s.
Robert Hosegood o.t.s.
Edmund Card o.t.s.
Robert Burt o.t.s.
John Hosegood o.t.s.
George Chapman of Wootton Courtney
Gregory Rawle o.t.s.
Thomas Hole o.t.s.
Attwell Whedon o.t.s.
John Whedon o.t.s.
John Kittnor o.t.s.
Thomas Quirke of Minehead gent.
William Blake o.t.s. gent.
Jacobus Quirke o.t.s. gent.
Aldred [sic] Escott o.t.s. gent.
Philip Butter o.t.s.
William Sidervente of the Borough of Minehead
Samuel Hayman o.t.s.
Simon Punter o.t.s.
Peter Godwin o.t.s.
Andrew Hosegood o.t.s.
Thomas Giles o.t.s.
Christopher Devonshire o.t.s.
Edward Spurryer o.t.s.
Lewis Puttham o.t.s.
Robert Quirke o.t.s.
Jacobus Turner o.t.s.
Robert Cordinge o.t.s.
Giles Edmonds o.t.s.

The Freeholder list of 1733 does not list any Siderfin family members at Carhampton.

The Jurors List at Carhampton in 1697 has
Robert Siderfin o.t.s. arm.
William Sidervente of the Borough of Minehead

There were three children baptized at Minehead (Wilmot b 7 Jul 1614, Robert b 27 May 1616 and John b 11 Apr 1619) with father Robert Siderfin in a time period that fits in with the marriage of Robert Siderfin and Ursula Webber (23 Jul 1612 at Luxborough). I do not have a baptism for William who would have been a juror in 1697 in my lists so need to continue drawing out the BMDs for this area. However William at Minehead married Mary Terrel at Selworthy 23 Feb 1692 so would have been old enough to be a juror in 1697.

My Robert at Selworthy was the son of Thomasine who left a will as a widow naming her son Robert and grandson Augustine. Tracing my line back this far fits into the GPS for my Siderfin family chart. Since he is listed as armigerous it might be possible to learn more about this Robert. There are two candidates - Robert (son of Thomas Siderfin and married 4 times) or Robert son of Thomasine (widow of unknown Siderfin). I suspect it is the former since the Thomas Siderfin line was known to have a coat of arms.

Looking at the Protestation Returns and Subsidy of 1641-42 again:

Protestation Returns - 1641-42
Sidderfin Thomas gent Carhampton 1.
Sidderfin Robert Luxborough 2.
Sidderfin Thomas Luxborough 3.
Siderfin William overseer Luxborough 4.
Sidderfin Robert Minehead 5.
Sidderfin John Selworthy 6.

Subsidy 1641-42

Surname Forename Suffix s d Parish
Syderfyn Thos gent 5 6 Carhampton 7.
Syderfyn Thomas 11 Cutcombe 8.
Syderfin Cristian 6 8 Luxborow Everard 9.
Syderfin William 4 8 Luxborow Everard 10.
Syderfyn Thomas 4 6 Minehead 11.
Syderfyn Robert rater 4 7 Minehead 12.
Syderfyn Robert sen 4 Timberscombe 13.
Syderfyn Robert jun 3 Timberscombe 14.
Syderfyn Wm rater 8 1 Treborough Browne 15.
Syderfyn Robert 13 6 Wotton Courtney 16.

We know that there were a number of Siderfin males paying subsidy in Carhampton and a smaller number were listed on the Protestation Returns. The thought has already been expressed that some of these names on the Subsidy are the same person with several properties. Looking at the Protestation Returns we have: John at Selworthy, Robert at Minehead, Robert, Thomas and William at Luxborough, and Thomas at Carhampton. Are Robert and William brothers at Luxborough and sons of Robert Siderfin who died by 31 Jan 1628 at Luxborough (another brother being Thomas at Carhampton) ? Is Robert at Minehead the son of Robert at Luxborough? Is John at Selworthy the son of Robert at Luxborough? Is Thomas at Carhampton the son of William at Luxborough? I now need to find documents that would allow me to link these families in this way other than Sanders book. Proving John at Selworthy to be the son of Robert and the husband of Thomasine would link my line back to Robert and Christian Siderfin at Luxborough.

From the Freeholder list the Siderfin family was not holding land as freeholders in 1647 which seems odd given the Subsidy of 1641-42 but they could have been holding the land by copyhold (or leasehold) in 1641-42 and would not be listed as freeholders.

Today I shall continue searching through the images that I brought back from the Allen County Public Library.

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