Monday, August 3, 2009

Pincombe One Name Study - 3 August 2009

Today is Colonel By day in Ottawa. We commemorate this great man by a celebration around the locks which he built between 1828 and 1832. His enormous effort, tremendous confidence, engineering skill and ability to get the job done produced a set of locks from Ottawa to Kingston that are now a World Heritage Site. Pleasure craft travel up and down the locks all summer long here and they are efficiently maintained by Parks Canada. Today I saw my first "raw" Douglas Fir tree. The internal wood (freshly shaved) has a slight pink colour and a beautiful pattern. A new part of a lock was being prepared to repair one part of the lock. They are perfect reproductions of the original tooling of the wood supports of the lock. A Parks Canada employee spent at least fifteen minutes explaining the tooling of this particular piece to the group around him and we were quite enraptured by his comments!

We, my husband, my daughter and I visited the Celtic Cross which celebrates the lives of the 1000 (mostly Irish) people who died putting in the locks. It is a beautiful monument which looks down on the locks just behind Parliament Hill here. My husband's 3x great grandmother is his only Irish relative and she was not involved in the locks but came to Canada (Halifax) as a young orphan girl (she was born at Dublin) in 1787.

Today I continued looking at the Pincombe family. I pulled out the two copies of Visitation that I have just to review the genealogical chart which was attached to this family in the 1400s and 1500s into the 1600s. My own direct line back to Thomas (son of the Pyncombe who had accompanied Lord de la Zouch to North Molton in 1485 (beginning of the reign of Henry VII)) is through a younger son of his son William (Richard). Richard can be found at Bishops Nympton by the late 1500s baptizing his son in 1599 (William, my direct ancestor). His wife had already died or died soon after as he married Francis Gill (daughter of John Gill) 11 November 1603 at Bishops Nympton. My line continues at Bishops Nympton right up to the birth/baptism of my 2x great grandfather John in 1808.

The Visitation of 1686 is very detailed and encompasses the earlier visitations of 1531, 1564 and 1620.

The 1620 Visitation lists:

ARMS: Per pale gules and azure, three close helmets argent, garnished or.
CREST: An arm in armour embowed argent, grasping in the gauntlet a Poland mace azure, handle proper, fastened to the arm by a scarf gules.

I will list the pedigree as follows (denoting with numbers the generations):

1. Pyncombe of Northmolton came there with the Lord Zouche about the beginning of H: 7

2. Thomas Pyncombe dwelt at Filleigh and after at East Buckland
3. William Pincombe
+ d. of Snowe of Anstey in Devon
4. William Pyncombe of Southmolton and East Buckland hath been 14 or 15 years one of the Coroners of the said Countie, aet. 54, 1620
+ Temperance d. of Hugh Pollard, 1 s., of Rob. P. Esq brother of Sir Hugh P. Kt. who were sons of Sir Lewis P. the Judge
5. William s & h., aet 13

2. John Pyncombe
3. John Pyncombe of Southmolton
4. John Pyncombe of Southmolton (Coat of Arms, Mayor of Southmolton 1598)
+ Amy d. of Richard Doddridge father of the now Judge Doddridge
5. John Pyncombe of Southmolton and Barrister of the Middle Temple London, living 1620

3. Christopher of Southmolton
4. John

Signed William Pyncombe and this would have to be William Pyncombe of Southmolton and East Buckland (Coroner of Devon, age 54 in 1620 so born in 1566). The only question that remains in my mind is the dates of birth of the individuals marked as 1., 2., and 3. I am still working on that as I do have dates for the wills and several of them left very detailed wills.

Visitation of 1686

This visitation encompasses all of the prior visitations as I mentioned earlier. It is far more complete and generally points out that several of the Pincombe lines daughtered out by the mid 1600s with several substantial trusts being established for schools in the North Devon area. My own ancestor Robert Pincombe held Park, East Wood and West Wood until he died at which time these properties passed to his brothers except for one property which he held as a freehold which passed to his sons. His eldest brother John was at Great Woods, another brother Thomas was at Twitchen.

This visitation has misread the sons of the first Pyncombe of Northmolton actually giving him one son Thomas and two sons John (one at Northmolton and one at Southmolton). They are indeed the same person.

ARMS: Per pale Gu. and Az. three close helmets Arg. garnished Or.
CREST: An armed arm enbowed ppr. purified Or, holding in the hand a Poland mace Arg., fastened to the arm with a scarf Gu.

1. Pyncombe of Northmolton came thither with the Lo. Zouch about the beginninge of the reigne of K. Henry 7th

2. John Pynecombe of Northmolton and Southmolton
3. Christopher Pyncombe of Southmolton
4. John Pynecombe
3. John Pynecombe of Southmolton
4. John Pincomb of Southmolton in Coun. Devon
+ Amy, Da. of Richard Doddridge of Barstaple & sister of Judge Dodridge
5. John Pincomb of Southmolton and Barraster of the Middle Temple, living 1620, d before 1657
+ Mary, da of Sir John Carew of Crowcombe, vide ped. ante, page 137, extrix. of the will of her son Richard, living 1658. Admon. granted to her three daughters 20 June 1671.
6. Elizabeth, adm. to her brother and mother, living 1671.
6. Richard Pincombe of Poughill, co. Devon. Will 19 Nov 1658, the exrs Mary, the mother, and John Doddridge, the cousin of testator, having renounced, adnon. with will attached was granted to the three sisters of testator 10 Apl. 1658. P.C.C. (Wotton 146)
6. Gertrude, adm. to her brother and mother, living 1671
6. Mary, mar. 4 July 1657 at Crediton to John Tuckfield. Adm. to her brother and mother, living 1671.

2. Thomas Pynecombe of Filley and of Est Buckland
3. William Pynecombe
+ da. of ....Snowe of Antstey Devon
4. John Pincombe, overseer of his brother's will
4. William Pynecombe of Southmolton and of East Buckland in Devon, & Coroner of the same Countie 14 or 15 years together aet. 54, 1620. Will 28 June pro. 17 Dec 1625 P.C.C. (Clarke 138)
+Temperance, da. of Hugh Pollard, 1 son of Robert Pollard, Esq., brother to Sr. Hugh Pollard, KT. both sonnes to Sir Lewis Pollard, Kt., the Judge. Extrix of her husband's will. Will 7 Mar 1636-37, pro. 15 June 1637. P.C.C. (Goare 94)
5. William Pynecombe, eldest soune aet 13, Anno 1620. Named in the wills of his father and mother living 1637
+ Bridget, da. of Henry Worth of Washfield, mar. lic 14 Mar 16 Feb 1628-29 at Washfield
6. Elizabeth, 1 da. bap. 17 Nov 1631 at Washfield, named in her grandmother's will, living 1637.
6. William Pincombe, bap. 4 Feb 1629-30 at Washfield, exr of his grandmother's will
+ Gertrude da. of .....bur 8 Jan. 1685-86 at Southmolton
7. John Pincombe, bap 29 Jan 1672-73, bur 23 Apr 1676 at Southmolton
6. Bridget, 2 da. named in her grandmothers will, living 1637
6. Temperance, named in her grandmother's will, living 1637

These particular Visitations have been very useful as they have given some idea of ages of the remainder of their siblings since only the first son is mentioned. The dates of the wills/probates is also very very handy. My Richard is mentioned as the 3rd son of William Pynecombe and [Emott] Snow. No notation is made in this Visitation as to which individual obtained the Coat of Arms.

Tomorrow I will be at the Family History Centre for a few hours reviewing the film for Bradfield Berkshire to see if the Nathanael Lambden who was baptized there as the son of John Lambden and Joan Caruthue 26 Jul 1724 with their marriage October 1721 also at Bradfield could be my Nathanael who is at Andover in the 1750s with his wife Sarah. I have not been able to find their marriage so will check for a marriage in the Bradfield Register first and that should be around 1748-1750 since their first known son is baptized at Andover 23 Oct 1751. I may also continue looking at the Pincombe family.

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