Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hinxman Wills - 15 August 2009

I tackled the most difficult of the Hinxman wills that I received to transcribe first. It is certainly a challenge although it is helpful that he is quite repetitive in his bequests to his children. I believe I have all the children now and this was a large family: William (eldest son it would appear), Joseph, Christopher and John are the sons and Elizabeth, Jane, Joane, and Joyes are the daughters. Kinsman/kinswoman are Andrew Henxman and Joane Hinxman and possibly Edward Henxman. A number of friends are listed as well. William appears to be fairly comfortable as he has a lot of household possessions. None of his children appear to be married. Very little money is mentioned nor property. It is more than 59 lines in length. I have done a first run through of page 1 and have text in the first 32 lines. It will likely be slow going but I shall send it off to a fellow researcher towards the end of the week as a rough draft.

I will leave the will for a while now and continue entering in my Sproxton data in case the next films come in more quickly than anticipated. I await Great Driffield and St Mary Bourne. The St Mary Bourne will be an easy read (I think!) because it is a typewritten transcription of the register. I shall extract all of the Lambden entries back as far as they go in the document. That way I will have it at hand in case Nathanael is actually a descendant of this Lambden family that quite early arrives in the St Mary Bourne area possibly from Berkshire where the Lambden family is most commonly found in the 1500s and early 1600s. The Great Driffield will be quite exciting when it arrives as it will have information on the Harland family. Ann Harland (my 5x great grandmother) married Richard Sproxton 24 Jun 1753 at Great Driffield. She was the youngest child of Timothy Harland and his wife Anne Wilkinson - marriage extraction on IGI). I have not yet been able to determine baptismal information for either of these two people although there was a Harland family at Great Driffield. Timothy Harland married Ann Wilkinson 24 Jun 1723 at Great Driffield.

I returned to working on the Hinxman will and made a couple of good breakthroughs with the text. It is moving along and I hope to finish it by the end of next week.

Tomorrow we have company for dinner and hope to get in a short canoeing trip. I will likely get some transcription done now that it is flowing a little better.

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