Monday, August 17, 2009

Hinxman Wills - 18 August 2009

I continued working on the Hinxman Will and have something in every line now! I started on the Inventory as well. I think perhaps it is a combination of the very poor writing and the lightness of some of the strokes that makes this particular will difficult.

I created a new Group on GenealogyWise - my Rawlin[g]s family. Over a period of 250 years the spelling changed in my line from Rawlins to Rawlings. Some lines retained the Rawlins spelling particularly in Australia. I have an interesting picture of the house of one of these Rawlins' ancestor in Wiltshire. This Rawlins family is found at Enford from 1743 on with the baptism of William 17 Nov 1743 the son of William and Mary Rawlins. They baptized six more children (5 at Enford and 1 at Netheravon). The baptism at Netheravon reads William and Mary Rawlins from Enford and it is for my ancestor (4x great grandfather Jeremiah Rawlins). I have managed to trace down 5 of these siblings and the sixth sibling (the eldest) was traced down by their descendant in Australia. She may provide the clue to where William and Mary lived. They appear to have married at Wylye 30 Sep 1741 but this is still up for debate. I spent several hours looking at the parish registers of Wylye and the parishes around Wylye long enough to determine that neither William nor Mary were of Wylye. If this is their marriage then it is William Rawlins and Mary Foord. There are Ford families at Enford but I didn't find a baptism that fits for Mary yet. I need to purchase the Enford fiche prior to the 1740s to determine that. I did have a brief look at Salt Lake City but this particular register is not overly easy to read and requires more study than I could give it at the time. I was especially interested at that time in determining if the marriage between Thomas Rawlins and Mary Dove 9 Dec 1807 at Woodford Wiltshire was my ancestor's marriage. I know that his wife was Mary and examining the registers showed that Thomas and Mary were considered to be of the parish and there were Dove families there and posible parents for Mary but her baptism was missing. William Dove and Jane Morgan had married at Saint Thomas, Salisbury, Wiltshire 1 Jan 1783 but the baptisms of their children in the Woodford register begin in 1793 with the baptism of Robert 14 Apr 1793 (he died as an infant). No further children were born to this couple at Woodford. The Dove family is found at Woodford back into the early 1700s at least.

Off to the dentist today. Our smog warning has lifted and it is very warm here today 40 degrees celsius. The dentist appointment leaves me with a tooth to cap which is fine. I would rather cap them when they are full of filling. I expect to have six caps in total and I have four already. It could be I might have one more. By flossing and cleaning in the morning and then using the new dental picks and cleaning in the evening I have managed to eliminate a lot of plaque buildup which pays its premiums when I go for a cleaning! We have a dental plan which is most helpful although I will have to pay 50% of the cap (or whatever the portion left from what the plan will pay).

We went shopping in the afternoon. I wanted to have a look at dresses for the wedding but got quickly distracted buying a new outfit for the engagement party - not too expensive actually as everything was on sale. I got a pair of slacks 25% off and a top for just $7.99 regularly $39.99. I had liked the look of them earlier but didn't want to spend $40 for something I wouldn't wear very often.

Watched the movie "Knowing" in the evening after cooking our dinner. We decided to do Kraft Dinner with deviled eggs and left over salads from our dinner yesterday. Excellent meal actually. I never liked Kraft Dinner since I was a child but have acquired a taste for it the last year or so. I think because it is an easy meal that we can just prepare in ten minutes and accompany it with a salad and hot dogs. The movie was very very interesting - scary I suppose but it had a deeper meaning which I am finding these days with a lot of the movies. The use of Biblical imagery really suited the presentation and was totally not offensive. The idea of God seeding other worlds is quite fascinating and gives some hope that our civilization could survive far into the eons. The promise of Abraham and his seed forever would thus be fulfilled. I can not think that God intended otherwise although when one looks around at the results of human habitation on the planet one wonders about the survival of the earth. Although I firmly believe that nature will eventually win and teach us how to live with the earth - something our First peoples already knew how to do before we arrived. I think being a late comer and with so few emigrant ancestors I tend to look at this differently. Having just the three Canadian born ancestors does affect one's thinking (my mother, her father and his mother) as most of my forebearers descendants are still living in England. I represent just a few transplanted lines - Routledge (and Routledge) in 1818, Gray in 1832, Pincombe (and Rew) in 1850, Buller in 1908 and Blake (and Rawlings) in 1913. The bracketed name of course represents the spouse of the ancestor who emigrated. Two came as singles - my 2x great grandfather Robert Gray from Etton and my grandmother Ellen Rosina Buller from Birmingham.

This morning I intend to continue looking at the Hinxman Will and prepare a list of items for purchase from the Hampshire Registration Office. I have several more wills that I want to acquire - Richard Blake (1522), Robert Blake (1522), Jone Blake (1528), Thomas Blake (1541) and Robert Blake (1542). These five wills (I have transcripts of two of them) may be an eye opener with regard to the name of the husband of Jone Blake who wrote her will in 1527 and was probated in 1528. She was my 13x great grandmother and the mother of Nicholas my 12x great grandfather. It still amazes me being back that far with my Blake line although published genealogies claim a connection back to the Wiltshire Blake family at Pinhills and Calne. Time will tell on that connection as I am not accepting it just because it is published. I want to see the proof for the relationship.

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