Thursday, September 24, 2009

Buller and Beard Families

I started off my day this morning by reading my emails. I had 29 spam and 18 emails! My mind started to think about updating my webpage to reflect the new details for the Buller and Beard families that emerged with the release of the LMA BMBs on Ancestry. I updated my webpage but then got thinking about Jane (Blakely) Beard - second wife of Henry Beard my 4x great grandfather. I hadn't listed any information in Legacy for her so went in and pulled out that information and added it to her but she appears to have married at 10 years of ago so something amiss there! I then started looking through the burial registers and have completed from the date of the will 1 May 1817 to the end of 1819 at Bermondsey plus I have read 1823. Just need to do the years in between over the next little while.

Today was a washing day so have that out on the line as well. Hopefully the roofers will come today to put up the new roof. We are looking forward to that before winter sets in here. Our roof was replaced about 15 years ago after a major ice storm which ripped holes in the shingles.

I am also reading a new book "The Knights Templar Revealed: The secrets of the Cistercean Legacy" by Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe. The beginning of the book takes us back to prehistoric times with a discussion on the Minoan Culture of Crete. Quite a fascinating read thus far and the discussion in the second chapter on sheep farming was certainly most interesting considering the number of sheep we saw when we visited the British Isles. They imply contact between the ancient peoples of Briton and France and the Minoans who traded from the island of Crete along the Atlantic seaboard. The third chapter takes us to the Levant and proposes that the Philistines were the descendants of the Minoans who fled from Crete after the volcanic eruption on Thera.

Just back from another 10K bicycle ride. I am hoping to make it to Edmonton by the end of September on the virtual tour across Canada and I should be able to do so. My gear broke today whilst we were biking so will need to repair that before we go again. I need about 200,000 steps I think to make it to Edmonton.

I spent several hours entering books/booklets into Library Thing. We have nearly finished the living room and that is almost 550 books. We are going to enter the music CDs and the DVDs for genealogy into the database as well as the fiche that I have. That way we can search the excel file whenever we want to determine if we have something. We do not have too many duplicates fortunately but we have acquired a number of genealogy tools now and we may forget which ones we have. We can always look now and then check before we buy!

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