Monday, September 28, 2009

Buller and Beard families

The days have passed quickly since I last posted and we have spent quite a bit of it fall house cleaning and downsizing as we eliminate items that we do not use particularly - at the moment our daughter is the recipient of the small items that we purchased with her in mind over the years. We will keep items for our older daughter for her next visit to us to decide what she wants to do with them.

I continued hunting out the Buller and Beard families in the new upload at Ancestry (LMA BMBs). I found the marriage of Henry Christopher Buller and Sophia Scrooby (daughter of George Scrooby and Mary Bullock married 24 June 1798 at Saint Luke, Chelsea, London). They had three daughters Mary Ann (b 1807), Sophia (b 1811) and Eliza (b 1812). Mary Ann married Thomas Park Steedman and the witnesses were Christopher Parker and Hannah Steadman Scrooby. I haven't found a burial yet for Sophia (likely prior to 1838) but will continue looking. Henry and Sophia had two children (Henry is listed as a widower on his marriage registration with Ann Welch in 1838) Mary Ann (b 1832) and George Scrooby (b 1834). I think I have George's burial in 1847 but nothing thus far for Mary Ann. I never found any children from this first marriage in any of the records but will continue hunting out Mary Ann.

Off to the dentist to have one of my molars capped and back home again 1.5 hours later (included travel time). I will soon have all of my molars capped (this is number 5). It is good to have them capped actually as it means no more work on them in my lifetime! My teeth have actually been quite inexpensive although my husband has a dental plan anyway. I haven't had a new decay since my late teens (so nearly 45 years!) (most of my old fillings have been replaced with newer ones).

I find it hard to concentrate so decided to spend my time looking at the marriage registers in London. I am looking for the marriage of Christopher Buller and Mary Beard. I am checking the St Marylebone in Westminster as many Buller families lived in that area and it is also the area that Henry Christopher Buller used to visit on his trips back and forth to London. Also he had a butcher shop in Convent Garden on Lamb Conduit Way which is fairly closeby. I looked at all of 1794 and up to September 1795 in this parish and did find a couple of Lawrence marriages (see census 1861 for Henry) and one for Thomas Duller it looked like.

Interesting reading through the marriages in 1794 and 1795 at St Marylebone in Westminster. I did not find one for Christopher and Mary but seeing the names is also interesting. I will try some of the other parishes nearby Bermondsey to see if I can find their marriage.

We watched a couple of hours of television which was very relaxing and I shall get back to the Hinxman v Blake document tomorrow. I have completed a first run through but want to give it a proofread before I send it off to my correspondent.

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