Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Harland Family at Great Driffield

My new found Harland cousin and I have written back and forth through Genes Reunited - a marvelous program. Australian Harland cousins came to Yorkshire looking for their Harland ancestors (also descended from Timothy as we are) and that was the reason for going to the record office to see what they could find. The records are difficult and the microfilm runs baptisms, marriages and burials in blocks of time. I have imaged (my husband did quite a bit this last visit) up to the mid 1700s now and will begin extracting all the Harland references. My latest reading showed a Timothy Harland marriage around 1700 so I now have two possible fathers for our Timothy bc 1700. I haven't found a baptism though around 1700 but rather one in 1687 for Timothy son of John Harland and Elizabeth Cooper. Once all the data is assembled we will be able to look at all of the records for the Harland family in the BMBs and then we can look at other records to see what we can put together.

I am also working on a rather large document for the Hinxman and Blake families at Andover. I would like to get back to that today but also need to work on my DNA talk. I am so looking forward to completing this pledge to give the lecture - it will be my last. It simply takes up too much time as I would like to narrow my focus to the projects that most interest me in DNA and one cannot do these as a public talk in most instances as they are simply too specialized. There are others who are doing these projects as academic research projects and they will present them at various conferences in the future. I shall just do my small part in them and garner the information that I most desire from them.

I ended up spending the day on my talk. I needed to update a couple of slides and then I inserted a couple of explanation slides since this is a society looking at the British Isles. All of my ancestors being from England itself rather than from Scotland, Wales, or Ireland makes my talk a little one sided except for my husband's 3x great grandmother - an orphaned Irish girl from Dublin who came to Halifax in 1779 at the age of eight. All in all I am satisfied with the talk although will go over it every day until I give it just to see if everything is flowing well. Saying it outloud helps me in that regard.

Tomorrow I will go over my talk again and carry on with the transcription of Hinxman versus Blake. I am finding it an interesting document. I may also download the other two Question wills (Augustine Question and Andrew Question).

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