Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Harland family

I am still working my way through my email of the last week or so and received a note on Genes Reunited about the Harland family. I realized that I hadn't responded to the receipt of the Harland information that I had had by email. I then worked up a chart to send off to my correspondent for my Harland line. I am working with the IGI and my correspondent's notes to add to my Legacy file. Amazingly, one of the descendants of the Leonard Harland line (brother to my Ann Harland married to Richard Sproxton) moved to Guelph Ontario Canada (I grew up at London about 1.5 hours away). It would appear though that Ann Harland was "lost" after she married Richard Sproxton. Ann's daughter Ann Sproxton married John Cobb at Lund and likely the families simply lost contact.

I continued working through the new data that had been sent to me entering it into Legacy as I checked it against the census and parish registers. The family is medium sized and surprisingly a line of Harland emigrated to Guelph, Ontario, Canada in the late 1800s! I wonder if they knew that Robert Gray had emigrated to Canada (London Township, Middlesex County) in the 1830s. They would have been second cousins. I can never remember anyone mentioning that we had relatives in Guelph so I suspect that they did not know of each other.

My legacy file is 11797 members with 3399 families and I am up to 79 sources for the proofs of my ancestors back to my 3x great grandparents. I will soon begin to enter the proofs for my 4x great grandparents. I am gradually accumulating all the information before I begin. My Blake line is easy as is my King line but I decided that I would look at all of them before I start to enter proofs. That way I can just work continuously on the four x great grandparents in order to retain consistency.

Today I will continue to look at the Harland family but will also be working on my lecture as it is on Sunday next. It is running around 60 minutes (I have 75 minutes which includes questions). I expect I will run to about 65 minutes leaving 10 minutes for questions but I am going to have lunch with the group so that people can drop by my table and ask questions one on one if they wish. It will be my last talk and I am looking forward to that. I find it simply takes up too much of my time and energy preparing for talks. There are also lots of people speaking on DNA now and my reason for becoming involved initially was to help advertise DNA as a genealogical research tool.

Ancestry has now made the registers for Greater London available and my day was spent looking at them. More details tomorrow on my Buller/Beard finds. I never expected to find Henry Christopher Buller's first wife and the children from his first marriage. Christopher Buller appears to have married a second time after his wife Mary Beard Buller died in 1806.

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