Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hinxman and Blake

We spent the morning at the Ottawa City Archives where the Ottawa Branch of the OGS has their library and we helped to sort through the books. We are moving from the present building to a brand new archives building at the end of next year and the plan is to catalogue the books using the Dewey Decimal system (modified for genealogy). Right now we are going through them to verify the current list.

This afternoon I decided to transcribe some documents that I purchased from the Hampshire Record Office a couple of years ago. This one was from 1685 and was an Indenture between Christian Hinxman (widow of Joseph Hinxman (first cousin to my 8x great grandfather William Blake)) and Thomas Barber. The interesting part is the description of the property which runs along beside Peter Blake at Clatford. This is William's brother and part of the proof that he is still alive in 1685 (he died shortly thereafter although appears on the 1686 Hampshire Visitation). I have a number of Hinxman documents in this time frame as I was trying to locate information on my William who, after completing his degree at Oxford and being an incumbent at a Church in Warwickshire for one year and then teaching in Staffordshire for one year, returned to Andover, married, they had four children (two survived), and then lived at Foxcott as far as I can tell the last twenty years of his life where he died in 1696. He does not leave a will. Finding information on him has proven to be very difficult. He sells off all of his leases over a 20 year period. One might think he was ill but he lived to be 81 years of age - outliving a number of his siblings. My 7x great grandfather (his grandson) only outlived him by 18 years (he was 29 when he died). It has led to a paucity of data on this particular timeperiod for my Blake line.

We also entered another 50 Music CDs into Library Thing and just have about the same left to do, one row of books on the bookcase which I missed as they were hidden behind the music CDs. Also we have decided to enter the records into Library Thing as well and the music tapes. Once I have entered all the fiche then our job is finished on this floor. Our little townhouse has three floors each one stuffed with books and other genealogical material for our lines.

This was our dancing lesson evening and we learned the Fox Trot. Actually I know how to dance although I am somewhat rusty. But we did extremely well with the Fox Trot.

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