Sunday, September 6, 2009

Siderfin Family of Selworthy

The question that begs to be answered is "Who is the father of Robert Siderfin born 3 August 1658 and baptized 23 August 1658 at Selworthy?". Why does the priest record his birth? Does he consider this family to be significant? In that case is this Robert a descendant of the William Siderfin and Wilmot Webber line and they married 5 Feb 1610 at Luxborough? There is a Robert born/baptized 1620 and whose death is listed as 1675 and he has son Robert and John (no dates given). I now need to investigate the source of that information as it dates back to my very early days in genealogy when I would enter items that I found extraneously without including detailed source accounts. The information does not come from Sander's book so that leaves me with my wills fiche that I purchased for Somerset and I want to check there for Question so will also check other Siderfin wills that are listed there.

Unravelling this puzzle, I looked at the will abstracts that I have on fiche and an interesting will for Richard Blackford (mentioned in Sander's book)

Richard Blackford, of Dunster, Somerset, one of the King's Masters Extraordinary in the Court of Chancery. Will dates Jan 8, 1688, proved Apr 4, 1689 by Elizabeth Blackford, the relict [is this perhaps the Elizabeth Blackford mentioned as the wife of Robert Siderfin (perhaps marrying him as a widow?)]. My son William. My daughter Sidwell Blackford [married Thomas Dyke later]. My sister Mary Coffin. My sister Christian Blackford. My cousin John Quirck. My cousin Robert Siderfin. My sister Hawkins. My son in law Edward Dyke. My daughter Elizabeth Dyke.

The question is how is he related to Robert Siderfin and which Robert Siderfin is this?

Recalling the earlier information in this time period:

Protestation Returns and Tax Subsidies.

Protestation Returns - 1641-42
Sidderfin Thomas gent Carhampton 1.
Sidderfin Robert Luxborough 2.
Sidderfin Thomas Luxborough 3.
Siderfin William overseer Luxborough 4.
Sidderfin Robert Minehead 5.
Sidderfin John Selworthy 6.

Subsidy 1641-42

Surname Forename Suffix s d Parish
Syderfyn Thos gent 5 6 Carhampton 7.
Syderfyn Thomas 11 Cutcombe 8.
Syderfin Cristian 6 8 Luxborow Everard 9.
Syderfin William 4 8 Luxborow Everard 10.
Syderfyn Thomas 4 6 Minehead 11.
Syderfyn Robert rater 4 7 Minehead 12.
Syderfyn Robert sen 4 Timberscombe 13.
Syderfyn Robert jun 3 Timberscombe 14.
Syderfyn Wm rater 8 1 Treborough Browne 15.
Syderfyn Robert 13 6 Wotton Courtney 16.

We appear to have two Robert Siderfin's who would be similar in age to Richard Blackford - one at Minehead and one at Timberscombe paying subsidy/Luccombe on the Protestation Returns. On a map these two villages lie at opposite ends of a large valley which could lend credence to the thought that it is a matter of convenience as to whether they would attend at Timberscombe or Luxborough for the Protestation Returns although they pay subsidy for Timberscombe.

To be continued.

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