Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Buller and Beard families

I sent an update to the members of the Emma Hemsley Buller Debnam family that are researching their family tree. Thus far they are the only other descendants of Christopher Buller (my 3x great grandfather) that I have found researching this family line. I know that the Carswell line died out as did most of my Buller line. I do not know about the Churchyard line yet.

I have one Beard correspondent and I contacted him yesterday to see if he had discovered anything interesting yet in the new London records. He is working away at that. We do not know yet if our Beard family lines are in common. I shall have another look at the Beard family though as he too found the John Beard (widower) and Mary Wood marriage at St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey and they were from Deptford Kent. The Wood surname is interesting as a Benjamin Buller married a Susannah Woods at Halesworth Suffolk in 1792. But I suspect that the surname Wood/Woods is a fairly common one unfortunately.

Back from the Dentist with a new cap and I forgot they do not freeze for that. I just have two molar left to cap if they ever need it.

I spent the last couple of hours reading the parish registers on Ancestry for London and environs. I found a number of Buller families at St Marylebone and a couple at St Olave Bermondsey. Still no baptism for Christopher though. I was also checking for Beard and did not find any yet. Henry was born/baptized around 1740.

I also updated the Debnam (Buller) research group with my finds and also my own family. I need to update Legacy with all the new images. Lots of work to do.

My "cousin" Thomas Routledge has managed to trace his Routledge family back to Kirkbeckmouth near Bewcastle Cumberland. I am still more or less stuck in the late 1600s although I know that my line is Oakshaw Routledge and in a general way I know where they are back into the 1400s but my specific line I am still ambivalent about. More work to do there as well.

Tomorrow I will continue typing up loose ends.

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