Thursday, October 29, 2009

French Canadian

I have been researching French Canadian ancestors for our son in law to be's family. It has been a fascinating search through time as I am able to readily go back many many generations in his family lines. Many of the lines stretch back into the early days of Colonial New France and because so many are researching their lines a number of them have been brought back to their starting location in France. The Drouin Registers online at Ancestry are a must for French Canadian research. Again the indexing may now have the exact spelling that you would like but in general you can get the gist or even better you can sit and search the entire register which is my usual modus operandii anyway. For the most part we are now able to make up an eight generation chart which we wanted for the wedding but it will also be a nice gift for the newest baby of the family due next year. It is only half of their ancestry but a good start on the genealogy.

I also spent some time basting up my new dress. I shall begin to sew it today and so my time at the computer will be somewhat limited.

Our dancing lessons are going very well. Last night we learned the Cha-Cha. Our waltz is developing nicely and we are now dancing the Rhumba, Fox-Trot and Triple Swing with confidence. At the wedding we want to be able to dance a little and my husband wants to do his dance with his daughter.

A cloudy day today and it begins to look like winter is coming. Soon the snow will cover the ground and we will lose it once again buried under several metres of snow! It is nice if the snow does come early as it protects the rose bushes in this bitter climate. Winter can be cold in eastern Canada. It is also long. We really have a lot of winter, a very very short spring, a short summer and then into Fall and soon to be Winter once again. Winter lasts about six months here although some years closer to five months but once the snow comes we know it is with us for at least that length of time. On the other hand, it is long long dark evenings to work on microfiche. Reading microfiche is a challenge in the summer when our days are very long (light well past 2100 hours) and they begin early in the morning by 0400 hours.

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