Wednesday, October 14, 2009

H11 haplogroup

An inquiry from one of the members of my H11 haplogroup study resulted in my discovering that I have four new members. I updated the spreadsheets to reflect the new members and they continue to fit into the patterns of H11a, H11b, H11c, and H11d. Although these ultimately may not be the subgroupings that are chosen for the phylogenetic chart (mine is now H11a2) they do reflect that there are now four distinctly different lines in H11. Since the study is ongoing though I will not comment further in my blog. Geographically mtDNA FGS results appear to be localized to particular areas and in my case my results point to Argyllshire Scotland. Thus far I have two close matches (when personal mutations are removed they are perfect matches) with individuals who can personally trace back to Argyll. Since I have absolutely no idea of my ancestry prior to the Midlands of England I have found this very interesting. Family lore has always given me a few hints - auburn hair (red tints) and freckles which tend to make one think of Scotland and Ireland. My grandmother sang a Celtic Lullaby which is reminiscent of Ireland/Scotland when I was a child which was one she remembered her mother singing. My grandmother was the eldest of seven children so would have remembered her mother singing very well.

Today, I need to start looking at my Genuki webpages to bring them up to date. The past summer has wrecked havoc on my pages in terms of updating them and correcting the excel files that I uploaded with BMBs. I need to create the files myself in order to have them read correctly and this will be an enormous task. I need to decide how to do that in the simplest manner possible.

As well I want to continue with my will/land documents transcriptions of items that I have purchased in the last five years. I want to refrain from making any more purchases (unless something really exciting is sent to me) until I have completed all of these transcriptions. I expect it will be a full winter's work to do that.

I started my transcriptions of standing material with the will of Robert Chettle of the borough of Leicester, Leicestershire. He isn't my direct ancestor (mine spell their name Cheatle as well and they are at Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire) but I was curious about him and his will was on the National Archives so I purchased it along with a second one on the NA. It is an interesting will.

Tomorrow I continue with reading all the material that I have.

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