Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today was clean up the mailbox day - reducing over 300 emails down to the 70 emails for which I need to do material things - due date for BIFHSGO journal is now; updates to the Genuki church locations (about 25 have collected over the past month with people visiting churches which is great); emails to new members of the Hampshire DNA group (my numbers have climbed this month); marriage challenges to check and see if there are any Pincombe or Siderfin marriages to find, and a few other items.

Still waiting for my death certificate for Mary Blake - I am hoping it is my great grandmother's registration as I still am missing her death date. I purchased an earlier one but it was incorrect although right time frame (1930). This one is 1928 and I think it may be right as the death was in Bridport where her son and his family lived. Referring to her as Mary seems strange as she was always Maria Jane or Maria on the census through the years including the 1911 census. Her husband Edward died in 1916 and I rather think that she and Great Aunt Annie lived together in the Yew Cottage at Goodworth Clatford until Annie married again in 1923. After that I know that she lived with each of her children for six months at a time because my father mentioned that about his grandmother whom he remembered. Since she wouldn't come to Canada they used to send money for her to have on a regular basis while she lived with her other children. Also Harry in Toronto did the same thing (my father's uncle).

Tomorrow another busy day with dancing in the evening. I want to scrub down the walls in the hallway and kitchen. That will almost finish the main floor. I need to enter the fiche into Library Thing and there is quite a bit to do there. I am in a "housecleaning mood" it would appear plus we want to get all of our books, music, and genealogical material into Library Thing as an inventory.

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