Monday, October 19, 2009

Publication - DNA

I woke up with ideas for my writeup of my presentation at the BIFHSGO so decided to type it while it was fresh in my brain. I have seven pages now that need footnoting and some revision here and there but mostly together. I should be able to submit it by the end of October. It will be good to have that done and not hanging over my head into the winter. As it turned out I completed it today and sent it off. I ended up with eight pages single space and 42 footnotes. I assume they will either ask me to shorten it or shorten it themselves. I am basically fine with that. It was a 1 hour and 15 minute talk and I left out a number of items that I discussed but rather kept to the gist of what I had planned to say in my outline.

Other than that I did not actually accomplish anything else today. I have my pattern all cut out for my dress now and just need to cut out the material. I may start on that tomorrow as I would like to have it completed before the end of October. We also practised dancing - we are quite accomplished at Rhumba and our Fox Trot is looking good. But the West Coast Swing is still coming along.

Tomorrow I want to do some sewing.

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