Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I finished the sewing on my dress except for hemming but I want the dress to hang for a couple of weeks before I hem it. I also need to add the trim that my daughter would like me to have on it. I am tempted towards a nice piece of lace around the empire waistline. It could hang down as much as three inches. I shall check out the lace to see what I can find. Hand stitching the zipper was a good plan as it went in very smoothly. The panne velvet is actually quite nice to sew with so long as you baste all the seams before you sew them. I think it might creep even with my new sewing machine which has stretch stitch if you do not.

Continued looking at our son in law to be's French Canadian ancestors and filled in one-quarter of his dad's line now. Just need to do the rest of that before the wedding. We were going to have the chart on a table for people to look at (and add changes if there are any hopefully). It is only an eight generation chart and will be complete likely for his lines, Ed is missing 7 names at the eighth generation but perhaps we may yet find them in the next two months. I am missing three names (the adopted family of my grandmother). I do have her natural family but tend to put down her adopted family when it is displayed (unless I am talking genetic origin) because they are the people that she knew, grew up with and corresponded with as an adult when she came to Canada with her husband and my father. One's adopted family is really one's family I think.

Once the dust settles literally around here I want to get back to transcriptions. We have completed housecleaning in the living areas of the house and now need to do the sleeping areas (which are full of books!). We hope to get back to that now. The yard work is more or less done with the last 12 yard bags of leaves taken away by the municipal services yesterday. The garden still has some beets to turn into pickled beets and parsley for Oscar the grandchild bunny. My husband is quite attached to Oscar and always spends time with him when we visit.

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