Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hallowe'en and sewing

Hallowe'en proved to be very very quiet here with just ten children - I handed out double which proved to have been a wise idea since it did deplete the box of candy somewhat. I think there are still about 40 pieces to use up. I wonder if they freeze!

Back to sewing today and a barbeque later this afternoon with everyone over. The dogs love to run in the backyard.

I want to get the dress finished except perhaps for hemming this weekend. Then I can work on the cape and complete it by the middle of the month. That way it can hang for the month and I can steam it a few times after the hot shower is run. Do I like it? I like it better than anything that I tried on while I was looking for a wedding outfit. I would probably still have liked the suit better but this is a party with lots of party dresses and the pictures with Ed in a tuxedo should be very nice. Will I ever wear it again? Well it doesn't actually matter because it didn't cost me that much to make it. I could wear it though as it is quite plain and would lend itself to a night out dancing.

Monday morning and I didn't post my blog yesterday. I need to sew the lining for the dress today and hang it in and then do all the hand stitching except for hemming. I will let it hang for a couple of weeks before I hem it. My daughter wants me to trim the dress with ribbon around the empire waist and a small buckle for trim. I will purchase those items soon and then just the cape to decide on. Likely I will wear a shawl since a shawl made in the material might just be too much grey velvet!

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