Monday, November 30, 2009

Home again and new glasses

We arrived home this afternoon - London to Ottawa was an amazing trip. I drove from London to Kitchener and then my husband from Kitchener to Cobourg (through Toronto) and back to me again from Cobourg to Belleville (although I said I could do to Kingston!). Then my husband home to Ottawa. We made really good time - leaving London at 8:30 a.m. and arriving here at 4:00 p.m. We had several stops to eat and before we left London we visited the graves of my maternal grandparents, then my paternal grandparents and parents and also my great aunt and two great uncles (one of my great uncles was also my maternal grandfather's first cousin). Genealogy can be really fun.

I picked up my new glasses and they will take getting used to. My old lenses were badly scratched so have decided to try anti scratch Crisal lenses. We will see how they do. My lenses seldom change although the last couple of pair of glasses I did not feel that the one eye was strong enough. The new optician has gone back to the earlier prescription and I will need to get used to that but I wonder if it will solve my headache problem from eye strain. We will see.

Filled up the refrigerator with food as it was quite quite empty since we were away for a bit and that is our last trip for quite a while.

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