Sunday, November 8, 2009

New York State Library Research

I spent several hours this morning entering all the new images into my 2009 excel file to make it easier to find items. I want to work on some of the material but sent the file off to my husband as well because they are his ancestors. Because we have tried the "frontal" approach on his Kipp and Mead ancestors unsuccessfully it is time to start moving away from that concept and work on the families in the area and related families by searching genealogies. This was a suggestion by Henry Hoff who was one of the consultants at the Albany Conference. Although Ed has been accumulating all information that he finds on the Kip family actually bringing down the contemporary families isn't something that he was necessarily working at unless they were related (i.e. siblings).

I found that Sarah Guernsey has several possible sets of parents on World Connect. I also found a will at Albany for a Peter Garnsey where he mentions the heirs of Jonathan Mead (1812). This could be Jonathan Mead married to Sarah Guernsey and these heirs would be Jehiel (died of wounds in the Revolution)'s descendants, Jonathan (the Cooper III) and to the best of our knowledge Jonathan Kipp is living with him at this date as he doesn't arrive in Canada until 1819 or 1820 - his descendants, Nathaniel Mead (married 1 Hannah Lamb and 2 Martha Quimby)'s descendants and Nathaniel is still living in 1812, and Hannah married to Stephen Atwater and she is still alive (died in 1835) and Titus who died from wounds in the revolution in 1785 (he left no known descendants). Ordering his will could be very interesting as it may provide more details on Jonathan. Jonathan Mead and Sarah Guernsey were still alive on the 1790 census and likely living with Nathaniel their son at Northeast Town. That was one rather interesting find but a search of the Gurnsey, Garnsey family books did not reveal any further information.

I shall construct a couple of *.pdf documents of information that I gleaned from a couple of journals to make it more readable. They should help with looking at the 18th century Dutchess County documents in order to determine if we should order a copy as they are all held on microfilm at Salt Lake City.

I did some searching online and found that the ancestors of Ruth Hardey have been a popular post to World Connect. Whether they have all taken from each other or several have arrived at the names individually is difficult to tell. A couple have sources so will check those out next time we are at a repository that includes the information mentioned. Ruth Hardey's mother is said to be Ann Husted. Her brother Angell Husted married Mary Mead according to our Mead Research Group. No parentage for Mary Mead though but she had to have been born in the 1620s.

Tomorrow I will continue looking at the Mead material and type some of it up to send to the research group. I also need to make a plan for completing my study of all the material that I brought back from Salt Lake City. It is now one year since we were there. The opportunity to go again next year has arisen and I want to be ready.

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