Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembrance Day and Presentation

We attended the Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph in downtown Ottawa. This year TRH Prince Charles and his wife the Duchess of Cornwall were here to remember with us. I haven't seen the streets so full at a Remembrance Day in my 35 years in Ottawa. They should be pleased and for him it was likely quite poignant as his Grandfather King George VI and Grandmother Queen Elizabeth were the last Royals to attend a Remembrance Day Service here. In 1939 they made their first Canadian tour and were here for the dedication of the War Memorial (with war looming over us once again in Europe). The monument had been ten years in building and tenders were first called in 1925. Later WWII and the Korean War were added to the Monument.

I spent the rest of the day putting together my daughter's childhood pictures into a powerpoint presentation for their wedding. I have just 80 pictures of it and there will be more that they have scanned in.

Today I fixed red eye on some of the pictures and reset them into powerpoint. Then we were off doing errands and I bought flannel to make a nightdress for myself. Now that I am back to sewing I rather think I will keep it up. It gets me away from the computer screen for awhile and is probably good for me. Plus I have a brand new sewing machine (actually five years old) that I have scarcely used. I bought it when I was still working with the idea that I would have it for later and this is definitely later. It has a stretch stitch and can be set (is computerized) for specific patterns.

I also want to knit a sweater for Hogan (a 15 year old chihuahua) for the winter that will cover his hip area as he is getting to be a little arthritic for Christmas. We also bought some of the items for our Christmas bags at Church for Centre 454. We are not doing Samaritan boxes this year but then I have always felt we should support those at home as well as those in the poorer countries.

For genealogy work I will be doing some proofing of my 4x great grandparents. I want to do all the ones for whom I have the proofs at hand and then I can work on the ones that I need to transcribe items or do lookups in my purchased fiche. Of my 64 4x great grandparents I have the information for 55 although for some it is quite sparse. For 8 I have absolutely nothing and for 1 I have a forename. For 46 of the 55 I have all the information that I need to prove them and I have now completed the proofs in Legacy for 4. I would say my aim should be to complete the 42 by the end of next week if I can manage that. That gives me eight days with just five per day. I think I need to schedule myself as I tend to drift away onto other projects. That just leaves me nine to pull the information out from images and other sources that I have for them. The other nine people I will have to see if anything emerges as I am looking for the other eight but they will be on my to do list for Salt Lake City (and I will buy parish fiche for some of them in the new year).

Then I will turn to the 5x great grandparents and I have information already on 60 of the 128 that will let me prove each of them. For another 10 I have information that I need to ferret out that I already know about. Possibly for another 20 I own the information but do not have the previous generation to show me the way - working on the 4x people will help with that. That leaves me with 38 people for whom I will do research in Salt Lake City and fortunately they follow on from the group above about whom I do not have a lot of information. This time will be a strictly find the family material as opposed to discover more about the areas that was my criteria for the last visit

Definitely the Buller family, Knight family, the Farmer family and the Cheatle family will be on that list along with several others. If I give each one of them half of a day then I would be able to do 12 families in our time there. Since families overlap in areas this may actually be 24 families depending on the generation. I would like to complete the 5x great grandparents and come back with material on the 6x great grandparents. The problem with being able to trace all of your lines is ever with me but which one would I choose not to discover. Tempting to leave out my paternal grandmother's paternal line since she was illegitimate but her father was reputed to be Cotterill by the priest and only one Cotterill family in that area since the father of the possible father had only one sister and his father was from Woodford Wiltshire which was a good distance from Kimpton Hampshire. I decided to research it as long as it was reasonable straightforward but that I would not purchase documents to any great extent. What I find I will use and otherwise it will cease probably around the 6x great grandparents. I am back to the 4x and in some cases 5x great grandparents already as most of the lines were at Kimpton from the early 1700s on thus far. I need to purchase the fiche for further back.

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