Saturday, November 7, 2009

Research at Albany

I have meant to post all week but the days flew by as we were researching at Albany New York. We were on a conference with the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society working at the New York State Library and Archives. This was totally my husband's families since I do not have any American ancestry although two of my grandmother's sisters married American citizens and their children are all American. They are in the American Air Force (at least until they retired) and their descendants have continued the tradition of US Air Force. I haven't seen any of them since the mid 1970s. Nor have I corresponded with them. I should really and perhaps they will become interested in our mutual genealogy and write to me.

I wanted to review the Renssylaerwyck Manor Papers for the time period from 1790 to early 1800. I had looked at the East Manor portion about 5 years ago and noted the members of the Mead family that were there but hadn't done the West Manor portion where Rennslaerville is located. I did that this time and found a number of Mead leases but no lease for Isaac Kipp. This is actually good news because Isaac and his family were on the 1800 census at Rensslaerville in the Manor (West portion) and on the 1790 census at Northeast Town, Dutchess County. We did not have a clear picture of when he and his family made the move from Northeast Town to Blenheim Township where he is known to have arrived in October 1800. Not finding him at the Manor was a bonus. They had five small children but no baptisms for them yet. We have a marriage date and birth dates for Isaac and his wife but no definite location. Eventually we may be able to unravel this family.

Tomorrow I am going to start a length of lace for my new dress. I think I will like that better around the empire waistline.

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