Tuesday, December 22, 2009

French Canadian ancestry

The French Canadian ancestry that I have been doing for our son-in-law was well received at the Wedding party. A few corrections were gratefully received and a couple of requests for copies. I will do the copies for him to hand on and there will be more corrections if there are any. I am hoping for pictures as well and will put a note on the copies saying pictures would be great and that we could scan them at any time or place that would suit. It will be good to have their history saved for their families.

I expect I shall be busy this winter working on the new babies genealogy through her mother's side. This new baby will have our daughter as aunt (her brother-in-law's baby to be). I also want to go in and collect all documents (baptism, marriage and burial) that I haven't located yet. I used whatever records would take me back to the 4x great grandparents on all lines. Hence, I didn't pull all the baptisms, marriages or burials if I didn't need them to work my way back.

Presents all purchased and I just need to make mincemeat and butter tarts, a coffee cake for breakfast Christmas Day and a pumpkin pie for dinner. Then the turkey to prepare and put on to roast in the oven. We are doing scalloped potatoes for a change and squash plus some mixed frozen vegetables. Cranberry sauce to make - I usually do that Christmas morning as I like it very fresh. We bought a fruit tray to go with the coffee cake this year which will be very nice I expect. We also bought some nibbles - sausage rolls, mini hot dog rolls, meatballs in sauce for lunch which will just be a buffet style while we sit around relaxing after opening presents.

We are in now and will concentrate on getting everything ready for tomorrow. The sun is now shinning brightly and the temperature may actually make it above 0 degrees celsius for a short while. The nights are still quite long here. It will be nice if we can have Christmas without an ice storm.

I may even get a little French Canadian genealogy done today. I started my first copy for our son-in-law's paternal grandmother. I used her son (father of our son-in-law) as the starting point and I am using a nine generation chart (the one at the wedding was eight generations only and started with a blank spot for a possible child of the future). My mother said that Pincombe weddings used to have a chart on the Pincombe family on display. She couldn't remember who had it though. Too bad!

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