Thursday, January 21, 2010

Girard family of Lauzon, Bellechasse and Beaumont

I tackled the Girard family of Lauzon Lévis Québec yesterday and was quite successful. Marie Girard was the mother of Marie Josephte Patri and I managed to find her baptism at St Etienne Beaumont 2 May 1797. The index listed her as the daughter of Pierre Patry and Marie Girard. I then found the actual baptismal lines but found that the priest did not specify "fils" or "fille" but there had been a son Joseph born to this couple one year earlier and a check of the register revealed that he did not die before the birth of this child. I could not, however, find her burial. Although Marie Girard was born/baptized at Lauzon she married Pierre Patry 18 Nov 1782 at St Michel Bellechasse. Pierre was buried there 8 Sep 1821 but I haven't found a burial for Marie yet. Marie's parents were: Joseph Girard and Marie Marguerite Labrecque. They were married at St Etienne but Joseph was born at Lauzon with Marie Labrecque being born at Bellechasse. Joseph and Marie married 27 Feb 1763 at St Etienne Beaumont. I found Joseph's baptism at St Joseph de la Pointe de Lévis, Lauzon 1 May 1740. His parents were Claude Girard (baptized 28 Feb 1704 St Etienne Beaumont) and Suzanne Guay. They were married 27 Nov 1736 at St Joseph de la Pointe de Levis, Lauzon. Claude's parents were Jacques Girard (baptized 29 Sep 1662 at Québec City and Mathurine Poiré baptized 20 Dec 1672 at Québec City and they married 24 Apr 1687 at Québec (I think, still finding that marriage).

The parish registers for St Etienne, Beaumont are quite well done with an index which is fairly legible. I was easily able to find all the children born to Pierre Patry and Marie Girard.

I again looked at my Siderfin family for a short time. I need to take a couple of hours to work through all the material again before my correspondent gets back to me in a couple of weeks time.

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