Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Continuing Siderfin-Greenslade-Wheedon families

I also corresponded two days ago with a Wheedon-Greenslade family researcher. He has corrected my original thought that William Greenslade was the son of Francis (b 1750) and the son of John Greenslade and Margaret Wheedon. This particular William is accounted for in his study as having emigrated! I then returned to the drawing board and located another William son of Francis with a son Francis baptized in 1809. The Francis on the census with William in 1841 is 25 but the dates were rounded down so perhaps this is the William that I am looking for and will do more searching to determine if that is true. That pretty much cleared out the Wheedon connection except for Joan (daughter of John Siderfin and Joan Greenslade) marrying Thomas Wheedon whose connection back I have clarified. Joan Greenslade married to John Siderfin is a sister to the Francis above and that would mean that their grandchildren married as a second marriage for William late in life and for Mary as a first marriage when she was 57 years old. There were no children resulting from this marriage.

I had wondered whether the Greenslade families were related and that clarification is interesting. Since the Greenslade family had married into the Wheedon family earlier perhaps this was the impetus for the later Siderfin - Wheedon marriage with Joan Greenslade Siderfin's nephew marrying one of her daughters.

Today I am working on the research study as I need to determine how to readily submit samples to GenBank.

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