Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Neveu and Lapointe families

Continuing with the Neveu and Lapointe families, I did find a baptism for Benjamin Nepveu son of Jean Baptiste Nepveu and Adélaide Piché with godparents Pierre Piché and Adélaide Tourangeau which incidentally happen to be the names of Adélaide's parents. The birthdate for Benjamin is 12 April 1861 at Grénville and as I check the census there is only a Jean Baptiste in this family (later on the census 1901) where he records his date of birth as 11 April 1861. I feel comfortable with saying that this is Jean Baptiste and that his name is Jean Baptiste Benjamin Neveu with his baptism 28 Apr 1861 at Grénville.

Finding the marriage at Pointe Gatineau does not prove to be an easy task. The microfilm is very poor first of all and secondly the notation in the margin for Jean Baptiste Neveu and Léa Lapointe is for a burial not a marriage. The date is 27 Mar 1884 I think. It would appear that pages may be missing from this register on the microfilm. Hopefully I will be able to look at another copy of this register at some point.

The tree on ancestry that gave me the marriage date also has a mention of Jean Baptiste's journals being in the archives at the University of Ottawa. I shall try to see them on my next visit to that archives. With his own words linking back, I shall be happier with these connections since I am unable to find their marriage myself at this point in time. Finding the baptism was rather interesting though and no burial for a Benjamin Neveu. It is not unusual to give a different baptismal name than the name that a child eventually uses.

I shall use this material with a mention of location so that eventually I will find the actual marriage lines for Jean Baptiste and Léa in 1882.

Proving Léa still has the difficulty of finding her baptism. I have found the baptisms of her older siblings but hers has evaded me thus far. She records her date of birth as 6 Mar 1862 on the 1901 census. Looking at their death registrations in Ontario will be helpful. The burial registrations do not list their parents names. The name Neveu is frequent enough that assuming the connection without the marriage lines is a little chancy - the journals should prove interesting perhaps in making the links.

I believe I may have located a problem with Léa's baptism. Her date of birth should be 1863 from the census and her burial record. The page that would contain her baptism at St-Hermas has an incomplete image. I have written off to Ancestry to see if they can resolve that problem. I shall await the results of my query for that item. Good find for me actually as I hadn't noticed that all but one census records her as born in 1863 (of course I looked carefully at that one!).

Continuing on with proving these lines and I think I shall spend some time sewing today.

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