Sunday, February 21, 2010

Proving the 3x great grandparents

After the last week or so of diversion away from the logical proving in my Legacy file of the ancestors I have returned to working on the 3x great grandparents on the paternal side. I need to find a marriage (verbally verified by email) at the Ontario Archives next time we are there for Léon Matte and Marie Louise Gagnon. I would also like to locate the marriages of their parents. Olivier Gagnon and Josephte Doutre are said to have married at St Luc, Curran, Prescott County, Ontario 26 Jun 1844 but I do not have not yet located the marriage of Joseph Louis Matte and Josephte delaTour. I also do not have the parents of this couple. This is a large brickwall in this line. I do not know for sure the parents of Olivier Gagnon but Josephte Doutre's parents appear to be Etienne Denis Doutre and Victoire Lalonde. Finding the marriage at Curran would answer that question for sure but the baptism of Josephte Doutre born at Plantagenent 5 Jan 1825 and baptized 9 Feb 1825 at Montébello do have these parents listed. The date of birth for Josephte matches the census. For Olivier Gagnon he appears to be born about 1811 from his death registration where his age is given as 88 in 1900.

I will continue working on these proofs and I am now on the Mourier family. A very interesting line as he is the only ancestor to have come from France (or anywhere else for that matter) in the 1800s. He arrived before 1877 and was born in 1845 in France. I haven't found him on the 1871 census yet but will continue checking that. I have not yet found his arrival in the immigration records. The information I have for his parents is from the website. This is an excellent website to use I have found thus far. I check every record in Ancestry but having the thoughts is helpful.

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