Sunday, February 7, 2010

Routledge family and the Dodgson Manuscript

I continued looking at the Dodgson Manuscript (prepared by Robert Dodgson in 1843) and sorting out the Routledge entries. I am gradually building the family line of the Oakshaw Routledges. The furtherest back would appear to be William Routledge bc 1620 and when compared with the 1641-42 Protestation Returns for Bewcastle there are four Williams listed (as well as 1 Adam, 1 Bartholomew, 1 Christopher, 3 Edwards, 1 Francis, 2 Georges, 1 Gilbert, 1 James, 1 Michael, 1 Nicholas, 1 Richard, 1 Rowland, 3 Thomas'). Only one James is interesting as that is the name of William's son but he would be too young to be listed.

Protestation Returns 1641-42
Routledge Adam
Routledge Bartholomew
Routledge Christopher
Routledge Edward
Routledge Edward
Routledge Edward
Routledge Francis
Routledge George
Routledge George
Routledge Gilbert
Routledge James
Routledge Michael
Routledge Nicholas
Routledge Quinton
Routledge Richard
Routledge Rowland
Routledge Thomas
Routledge Thomas
Routledge Thomas
Routledge Thomas
Routledge William
Routledge William
Routledge William

The 1604 Land Survey for Bewcastle lists 52 Routledge members and I have broken them into father and son:

Son Father
Routledge, Adam Routledge, Adam
Routledge, John Routledge, Allen
Routledge, Adam Routledge, Andrew
Routledge, Archibald Routledge, Andrew
Routledge, James Routledge, Andrew
Routledge, John Routledge, Andrew
Routledge, Thomas Routledge, Andrew
Routledge, William Routledge, Archibald
Routledge, James Routledge, George
Routledge, Jerrat Routledge, George
Routledge, Quintain Routledge, George
Routledge, Adam Routledge, James
Routledge, James Routledge, James
Routledge, Thomas Routledge, James
Routledge, William Routledge, James
Routledge, Thomas Routledge, Jarret
Routledge, Richard Routledge, Jeffery
Routledge, Richard Routledge, Jeffery
Routledge, Thomas Routledge, Jeffery
Routledge, Clement Routledge, John
Routledge, Cuthbert Routledge, John
Routledge, Cuthbert Routledge, John
Routledge, George Routledge, John
Routledge, George Routledge, John
Routledge, Jerrat Routledge, John
Routledge, Quint Routledge, John
Routledge, Thomas Routledge, John
Routledge, Thomas Routledge, John
Routledge, William Routledge, John
Routledge, James Routledge, Martin
Routledge, Edward Routledge, Nicholas
Routledge, Simon Routledge, Quintaine
Routledge, Andrew Routledge, Quintin
Routledge, Andrew Routledge, Quintin
Routledge, Francis Routledge, Quintin
Routledge, John Routledge, Quintin
Routledge, Simon Routledge, Quintin
Routledge, Gerege Routledge, Richard
Routledge, Jenkin Routledge, Richard
Routledge, John Routledge, Richard
Routledge, Jock Routledge, Robert
Routledge, Anthony Routledge, Rowland
Routledge, Cuthbert Routledge, Rowland
Routledge, Edward Routledge, Rowland
Routledge, Richard Routledge, Thomas
Routledge, Richard Routledge, Thomas
Routledge, William Routledge, Thomas
Routledge, William Routledge, Thomas
Routledge, William Routledge, Thomas
Routledge, Alexander Routledge, William
Routledge, Edward Routledge, William
Routledge, John Routledge, William

This chart tells me quite clearly that I should not try to make any assumptions about the Routledge family before the Parish Registers yet. Although there are only 17 distinct father's names - there could be more than one person for each distinct name (i.e. Andrew, James, John, Quintin, Thomas and William in particular).

However the 1630 Indenture

By indenture bearing date May 27 in the sixth year of Charles 1 (and confirmed by decree in chancery, between Sir Richard Graham of Eske, Bart, lord of the Manor of Bewcastle, and the several tenants, it is agreed that the tenants shall pay a four-penny fine upon change of lord by death and upon change of tenant by death or alienation; and shall pay suite of court, suit at the lords mill, customary works and carriages, and other boons, duties and services accustomed; and that for a heriot the lord shall have the best beast of which every tenant shall die possessed, (the riding horse of such gtenant kept by him for the lord's service only excepted); if the tenant has no beast he shall pay 20 shillings in lieu of the heriot. The tenant not to let or mortgage their tenements for above three years, without licence of the lord. The lord shall take a bounty of eight years rent on giving his assent to the custom.
Signed by
Andrew Dodgsons Ford
Henry Gibson, younger, of Bewcastle
Robert Routledge, of Cum Crooke
Allan Routledge, of Cum Crooke
Thomas Routledge, of the Kilne
John Story, of the Rigg
John Scott, of Nunscleugh
Andrew Nixon, of the Flat
James Nixon, of the Croft
Andrew Nixon, of the Ford
Thomas Nixon, of the Ford
William Nixon, of Cross Hill
Viz. A Schedule Indented Expressing the names of the Tenants of Bewcastle that have Compounded with the said Sir Richard Graham Knt. and Bart. their Landlord of the Confirmation of their severall messuages and tenements to them and their Heirs to fine certain together with the certainty of their yearly rent and Services.
John Simpson for a Messuage and Tenement in Bewcastle, rent 12d, one day mowing, one day shearing, and a horse to serve the Lord as hath been accustomed.
Nicholas Simpson for a Messuage and Tenement in Bewcastle, rent 12d, one day mowing, one day shearing and a horse to serve the Lord as aforesaid.
Andrew Armstrong for a Messuage and Tenement at Low Grains, rent 14d, one day mowing and one day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
John Armstrong for a Messuage and Tenement at Rigg, rent 2s 6d., one day mowing, one day shearing, and for Carriages with horses 2s.
Elizabeth Armstrong for a Messuage and Tenement at Rigg, rent 6s 8d, one day mowing, and one day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
John Story for a Messuage and Tenement at Rigg, rent 6s 8d, one day mowing, one day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Adam Story for a Messuage and Tenement at Pealhill, rent 5s 10d , a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Robert Story for a Messuage and Tenement at Pealhill, rent 2s 11d, one day mowing, one day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Elizabeth Story for a Tenement without a house at Pealhill, rent 2s 11d, one day mowing, one shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Robert Noble for a Messuage and Tenement at Hill rent 1s 4d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages with horses 2s
James Noble for a messuage and Tenement at Esheycroft, rent 3s 4d, a day mowing, a day shearing.
James Nixon, younger, for a Tenement, without a house at Stockasteed, rent 8d, a day shearing.
George Nixon for a Tenement, there without a house, at 8d, a day mowing.
John Nixon, in the right of Jane, his wife, for a Messuage and Tenement at Stockastead, rent 3s, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Elizabeth Noble for a Messuage and Tenement at Stockastead, rent 3s 4d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and Carriages with horses 2s.
Edward Noble for a Messuage and Tenement at Parkhead, rent 14d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
Hector Noble for a Messuage and Tenement at Parknook, rent 1s 8d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
James Nixon for a Messuage and Tenement at Bodrick, rent 2s 8d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for carriages 2s.
Thomas Nixon for a Messuage and Tenement at Park, rent 10d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Grissel Nixon, widow, for a Messuage and Tenement at Park, rent 1s 10d, a day mowing, and a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
John Nixon for a Messuage and Tenement at Park, rent 1s 10d, a day mowing, and a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
William Nixon for a Messuage and Tenement at Elleryclough rent, a day mowing and for Carriages 1s.
George Nixon for a Messuage and Tenement at Elleryclough, rent 2s, a day shearing and Carriages 12d
John Nixon for a Messuage and Tenement at Elleryclough, rent 2s 4d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
Allan Routledge for a Tenement, without a house at Saughs, rent 3s 4d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
George Armstrong a Messuage and Tenement at Stepins, rent 4s., a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 1s 6d.
Thomas Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Kirkbeck, rent 10s, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Thomas Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Camellflat, rent 6s 8d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
John Noble for a Messuage and Tenement at Kirkbeckmouth, rent 1s 8d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Elizabeth Noble, wife of John, for a Tenement, without a house, rent 8d, a horse as aforesaid.
John Scott for a Messuage and Tenement at Nunsclough, rent 5s, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
William Routledge for a Messuage and tenement at Nunsclough, rent 13d, a day mowing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Alexander Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Nunsclough, rent 6d, a day shearing.
Christopher routledge, in right of his wife Margaret, for a Messuage and Tenement at Bellbank, rent 2s 4d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Elizabeth Purdum for a Messuage and tenement at B ellbank, rent 12d, a day mowing and a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
George Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Bellbank, rent 1s 8d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
Robert Purdum for a Messuage and Tenement at Burnfoot, rent 16d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
William Forster for a Tenement at Close, rent 16d, and a horse as aforesaid
John Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Daplymoor, rent 12 d, a day shearing.
Dora'y Brown, widow, for a Messuage and Tenement at Daplymoor, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
William Routledge and Elizabeth his sister, for a Messuage and Tenement at Daplymoor, rent 12 d, a day shearing.
Robert Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Cumcrook, rent 2s 8d, a horse as aforesaid.
Andrew Dodgshon for a Messuage and Tenement at Dodgshonford, rent 3s 4d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Robert Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Kinker-hill, rent 5s, a horse as aforesaid.
John Henderson for a Messuage and Tenement at Kinker-hill, rent 20d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
Thomas routledge, son of George for a Messuage and Tenement at Kinkerhill, rent 20d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
thomas Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Kinkerhill, rent 2s, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
Richard routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Oakshaw, rent 7d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Rowland Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Oakshaw, rent 7d, a day mowing, a day shearing, a horse as aforesaid.
Edward Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Oakshaw, rent 2s 1d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Cuthbert routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Oakshaw, rent 2s 8d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Thomas Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Durtup, rent 10d, the Charges of half a horse as aforesaid.

and this includes several tables that let me look at the owners of various properties. My line is reputed to have been at Oakshaw and four individuals are at Oakshaw of interest namely Richard Routledge, Cuthbert Routledge, Edward Routledge and Rowland Routledge. This tells me that William Routledge thought to be the father of James Routledge who leaves to his grandson John Routledge Flatt in 1700 probably is the son of Richard, Cuthbert, Edward or Rowland since they are at Oakshaw and known to be the Oakshaw Routledge family. William Routledge (bc 1620) is the father of James Routledge, Thomas Routledge and Cuthbert Routledge.

Thomas Routledge (bc 1648) married Isobell Nixon and was the father of William Routledge (bc 1672 and died 1745 at Bewcastle) who married Grissell Routledge as his second wife 1704 at Bewcastle. They were the parents of Henry Routledge (baptized 30 Jul 1720 at Bewcastle - my 4x great grandfather).

It would be lovely to find the parents of Grissell Routledge (yet another Routledge line not even counted in the later group)!

George (father of Grace Routledge; mother of Elizabeth Routledge (my 3x great grandmother)) is also said to be of Oakshaw. He is descended from the younger Oakshaw Routledge family but to date I have not yet determined where George his likely father and George his likely grandfather fit in (the middle George being baptized 10 Mar 1692 at Bewcastle son of George).

Continuing with my OPC duties, I have received two requests for information on Bishops Nympton lately. The first was a simple no although I offered a couple of ideas and will now have to pull that information from the register when time permits. The second was easily found and I sent all the siblings, the parents (marriage) and the parent's burials. I usually get several of these requests a week but it has been slow since just before Christmas (luckily as I have been incredibly busy!).

I want to continue thinking about the Routledge family. When I learned that the Oakshaw Routledge family had married close cousins, I realized that I could potentially trace my line back with all the land documents that exist for the Bewcastle area. The missing parish registers though (i.e. before 1666) make the task somewhat more difficult than for parishes for which the registers exist. I need to read the Manor papers at some point to see what I can learn.

The Musgrave Letter is of interest - it does not list any Routledge at Oakshaw. Perhaps they were not involved in being Border Reivers.

Letter from Thomas Musgrave to Burghly on the Border Riders - Dec 1583

Name Location Alias Relation Raids mentioned in Killed/Died
John Rutledge Cructborne Killed pre 1583 by 'scottish ryders'
Gerrey Rutledge Son to above

Addame Rutledge Netecluge
Anton Rutledge Netecluge Oct 1583
Andrew Rutledge Netecluge

Rowlland Rutledge Neuk Dikes Rowe' Jan 1582, July 1583 1597
Jeme Rutledge Neuk

Jeme Rutledge Stubbe
Jeme Rutledge Stubbe Younge Jeme'
Jarre Rutledge Stubbe

Thome Rutledge Todhills Jan 1582, Jun 1581, 1581, Oct 1583
Allane Rutledge Todhills Oct 1582 Oct 1583

Dick Rutledge Baley heade
Thome Rutledge Baley heade

Down leven
John Rutledge Black dobs
Nicholl Rutledge Black dobs Brother to above
Andrew Rutledge Black Stafe'

Gourthe Rutledge (f) Sletbeke
Jeme Rutledge Sletbeke
(Nov 1592)
Will Ruttliedge Comcrauke (Nov 1592)
Riche Rutledge Comcrauke (Nov 1592)
Johne Rutledge Comcrauke 1590, (Nov 1592)
Jeme Rutledge Comcrauke aug 1583, (Nov 1592)

John Ruttlidge Troughead
Riche Rutledge Troughead
John Ruttlidge Troughead
Allen Rutledge Brother to above

Willi Rutlidge Lukkens
Willi Rutlidge Lukins Bellbank
Cleme Rutlidge Kyll

Jenkyn Rutledge Bellbank

Willi Rutlidge Nunscleugh

John Rutlidge Kermoflat

Will Rutledge Kyrkbekmouthe

Will Rutledge Sinkeheade

This letter of 1583 (21 years before the 1604 Land Survey of Bewcastle) lists the following members of the Routledge family:

John and Gerrey Routledge of Cructborne, Adam, Anton and Andrew Routledge of Netecluge, Rowland and Jeme Routledge of Neuk, Jeme, Jarre and Jeme's son Jeme of Stubbe, Thomas and Allan Routledge of Todhills, Richard and Thomas Routledge of Baleyheade, John and Nichol Routledge of Black Dobs, Andrew Routledge of Black Stafe, Gourthe and Jeme Routledge of Sletbeke, William, Richard, John, Jeme Routledge of Comcrauke, John, Richard, John and Allen Routledge of Troughhead, William Routledge of Lukkens, Clem Routledge of Kyll, Jenkyn Routledge of Bellbank, William Routledge of Nunscleugh, John Routledge of Kermoflat, William Routledge of Kyrkbekmouth, and William Routledge of Sinkhead. There are 35 Routledge males mentioned in this letter. Some are fathers and sons although not all entries give this information.

Another interesting text by T.H.B. Graham (reprint from the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society's Transactions Vol XI (New Series), 1911 - The Barony of Liddel and its Occupants. Page 56 gives us this information:

"Immediately adjoining the Forsters' Ground was a district traversed by the Baileywater and known as "the Bailey." It was held by the Routledges, who had formed so few alliances with Scottish families that they had become "every man's prey." John Routledge of Cructborne (Crookedburn) had been "slain by the Scottish riders." There were also Routledges of Netecleugh, of the Nook, the Stubb, Todhills and Baileyhead, where the "Routledge burn" still preserves the name of this Cumberland clan."

I think this group of Routledges were the ancestors of the Oakshaw Routledge family which held Stubb, Nook, Todhills and Baileyhead in the 1600s and 1700s. I wonder if they always held these properties amongst this set of Routledge families? Again the Manor papers will probably tell me the answer to that.

Again " The two rivers Level unite at a spot called the Black Dubs, and here was another colony of Routledges - John Routledge of the Black Dubs, Gourthe, i.e. George Routledge of Sleetbeck, Will Routledge of Comcrauke, John Routledge of Troughhead, and Willie Routledge of the "Luckens of Leven." " Are these two Routledge families related. I do not appear to have any ancestors in this group although the name George is, as always, very interesting but my George is supposed of the Oakshaw Routledge family.

Another publication found in the Transaction of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society Art VIII, 1587-1617 by JV Harrison in 1967 entitled Five Routledge Wills:

JOHN ROUTLEDGE, Black Dubs, Bewcastle, held less than 15 acres but owned more than 50 head of cattle, mostly put out to pasture on other men’s farms. This had two advantages by placing cattle on farms that were understocked they had plenty of fodder and byres and it was also safer to scatter your cattle around farms because of border raids.

JAMES ROUTLEDGE, of the Ash had 42 beasts, as well and sheep and a horse and land consisting of 21 acres with cattle on other lands. Influencing the number of livestock kept was the provision of fodder and shelter in the way of byres. It was common in the high-lying districts to slaughter the cattle when there was a lack of fodder around Martinmas each year.

WILLIAM ROUTLEDGE, the younger of Todholes was a poor man. He owned his tenement but only three cows and three other cattle the total value of £3 5s. His hay and corn worth 10s. He prays that his unborn child will be a son and leaves him his sword, failing a boy he wishes his sword to go to his sister’s son, Edward Routledge.

Another poor man was WILLIAM ROUTLEDGE of Wickerthwaite, Stapleton. His goods were prized on 26 July 1620. Apparell 6s. Insight of his house 20d, crope of oates, bigg and hay 20s, five kyne and their calves £5. total £6 7s 8d. He owed debts amounting to £4 14s, Admon at Carlisle to his widow Rosamond 23 Oct 1620.

Cattle predominates over sheep, and black cattle more frequently mentioned probably akin to the Galloway breed, a small hardy breed. Black-belted ox stirk, black branded ox.

JOHN ROULEDGE will of 1632 of Daplemore, Stapleton contains a request of a bosaned meare

Livestock value in Bewcastle were lower than other parts of England. Their animals were probably smaller in comparison. Land was poor and holdings small and the tenants were “very rude and poor”.

Household furniture was almost non-existent. The houses very primitive. Bailey and Culley said “they are mostly built of mud and clay, and form a miserable contrast to the buildings in the other part of the county [View of the Agriculture of Cumberland, C. 1796]

JAMES ROUTLEDGE of the Bailey, household effects totaled £1 15s 4d

Most Borderers had an alias or second name distinct from their own surname. It distinguished men bearing the same surname and having the same Christian name. It coupled the man’s Christian name with some indication of his descent, place of residence, or some peculiarity in his appearance. Typical: cuddie’s John, Eckies demount, Thomas of the Eakeshawe, geordy of the utter hill, Andrewe rowtlidge alias blackstaffe and Ramish John’s Whinton.

Many burials took place within the Bewcastle Church and had to be greatly overcrowded.

JOHN ROUTLEDGE of the Dirtupp, will dated 19 May 1635 proved at Carlisle 29 July 1636 desired to be buried in the chancel of Bewcastle church. He directed his executrix topay “Doctor Sibson, parson there the duties thereunto belonging”. He also gave 2s 6d to the Church for the “reparation of the windowes thereof”.

Almost every person dwelling in Bewcastle was illiterate for the whole of the five wills and inventories only two men sign their own names. They were THOMAS MUSGRAVE, captain of Bewcastle and ANTHONY BAINES, clerk, both of whom witnessed the will of JOHN ROUTLEDGE of the black dubs [written in the hand of Baines].

The men of Bewcastle originally held their land by a kind of a military tenure. Many did not pay rents and was one of the reasons King James I wanted the Grahams sent to Ireland in the early 1600’s.

WILL OF JOHN ROUTLEDGE of the Blackdubs 26 March 1587 , proved 19 May 1587
His master THOMAS MUSGRAVE £6 13s for the use of his children
Wife 29s to be taken of Peter Lambart and Mathew Kirsopp of the Fowersteenes
Brother NYCHOLL(‘S) wyffe one browne kowe in the hand of Clemy of the Flatt
Annas, sister one kowe of hir owne chowsinge
Cuddy Bell son my bowght land
Andrew Rowtlidge alias blackstaffe one kowday
Hob Rowtlidge of the myer one why in Wil Taler’s hand of the Herper Hill [Harper Hill, Stapelton]
Sibell Bell, the woman who kept my house six kine and eight Fower-year olds and three other nowlt
Tome Rowtlidge, oldest son Stedinge whereon I dwell with the command not to put out the woman who kept my house during her likinge
Thomas Rowtlidge, Cuddy Bell, Esabell Bell, children Rest of goods, moveable and unmoveable Joint Executors
Division made at the Seight of these four honest men viz. Clemy of the kill, Adam Story, Rychie Rowtlidge of Cumcrooke, and Will of the Croft
Witnesses: Thomas Musgrave, Adam x Story, Hob x Rowtlidge of the myer, Nycholl x Rowtlidge
Clerk: and written by Anthony Baines

Note of such money owed him and his nowlt that are in other mens hands:
Adam Storie £2
Ecke Noble £1 6s 8d
Geordy Pruddom £1 7s
Rychie Sowerby 15s
Johns Willy £1
Cuddies John of the Trough 15s
Joh. Murresse of Heskatt £1 6s 8d
Will & Christopher Sanderson £2 6s 8d
Geordy of the butter hill 12s
Jamy of the nuke 3s 4d
Peter Lambert £1
Mathew Kirsop £1
Jenkin Armstrong 6s [of Woodhead, LP?]
John of the kill 6s 6d
Josye bell 6s
Eckies demount 17s
Duke Stavely £16 13s 4d
Total: £33 13s 4d
A note of his cattle in other mens hands and att hiw owne howse

Eckies demount one ox & 8 other nowlt
Will Taler of the Herper hill one kow & one whye
Ecke Noble 0 blacke ox
Geordy of the hare hill one stott
Jeffray Robson of Kinge(water) [Lanercost, in addition to Kingwater thee was a farm called King Hill] 3 nowlt
John Robson of the saime 4 nowlt whereof one is a choise cow
Tome Steavenson 2 nowlt
Jenkin Armestronge [of Woodhead] 2 kine and one whit whie [white heifer]
Clemetts Adam 2 kine
Antony of the Pickes 2 stots and one whye
Cuddies John of the Trough 2 younge oxen
Ramish Johns Whinton one cowe and one ox
Geordy Pruddom 3 younge kine
Jamy of the nuke 3 whies
ARowye Ellot one kowe and one oxd
John of the kill one kowe and one ox
Thomas of the eakeshawe one ox
Att his owne howse 8 nowlt

Total xlxiii nowlt [?? I read this 40 13—maybe should have read xxxiii --33]

A note of such debts as John Rowtlidge confessed himself to be owinge:
John Woode 8s 4d
One in Carlisle 2s 4d
John Crowe 7s 4d

Will of Rowland Rutledge of the Newke [Nook], 22 March 1597
Adam Rutledge grandson s o Adam
Adam Rutledge son
Elizabeth Rutledge of the Crookeburne daughter of Gracie [Adam to marry Elizabeth when it pleaseth my maister Thomas Musgrave , Captaine of Bewcastle]
Adam & Elizabeth Rutledge all my title and claim of my tenement of the Newke which was in the occupation of Richard Rutledge my father with all houses, barnes, meadows and pastures
Richard Rutledge father
Thomas Rutledge s o Gracie Rutledge if Adam & Elizabeth die without issue the tenement and farmhold to go to Thomas & Gracie Rutledge
Thomas & Gracie Rutledge joint executors
Gracie Rutledge to have the land until Adam come to lawfull years
John Rutledge Witness
Dand Baylie Witness
George Armstrong Witness
John Rutledge husband of Gracie
Proved at Carlisle 7 Oct 1608 by John Rutlidge and Gracie his wife

Will of James Routledge of the Baileyhead 25 Apr 1612, Bewcastle, proved at Carlisle 10 Jul 1612 by Janet Rutledge his widow
Janet Rutledge wife all my lands & tenements that I have within the baley during her natural life, all goods moveable and immoveable and funeral expenses
Thomas Rutledge eldest son after Janet’s decease all the land of the baileyhead
Richard Rutledge second son after Janet’s decease the tenement called Sleetbecke and the tenement of the Nuke now in the tenor of Gawin Hamelton
James Rutledge son 40s paid by Thomas Rutledge, son
Rowland Rutledge son 40s paid by Thomas Rutledge, son
William Rutledge son 40 s paid by Richard Rutledge, son
John Rutledge son 40s pad by Richard Rutledge, son
William Rutledge Wit
Simon Rutledge Wit
George Rutledge Wit
Adam Rutledge Wit
Gerard Rutledge Wit
John Fleming with others Wit

6 July 1612 The Inventory of all goods and chattels of James Rutledge deceased prised by William Rutledge, Archilles [Archibald probably] Purdom and Simon Rutledge.
2 kine, and 2 calves 48s
2 kine and 2 calves 48s
2 oxen colour blacke 45s
2 first neates 40s
One gray nagge 30s
Ten ewes and lambs 40s
4 ewes 8s
3 yong sheep 6s
His apparel 13s 4d
One crooke and a kettle 5s
Saddle and bridle 3s
One brasse pot 13s 4d
Wooden vessels 4s
One chaire and a chest 3s
Sheets and bedding 10s
One stone of wooll 6s
Total: £16 2s 8d

Will of William Routledge, the younger, of Todholes, Bewcastle 27 Dec 1612, Proved at Carlisle, 26 Nov 1613

To be buried in the Church of Bucastle neere to the sepulcher of my father
Elizabeth Routlidge daughter all my tenement with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to Todholes, Bewcastle
Izabell Routlidge wife, with child, if child be a son then he shall have right of histenement abovevsayd
Edward Routlidge Nephew, sister’s son his sword if wife bore a son then he shall have the sword
Elizabeth & Izabel Routledge rest of all goods, moveable and immoveable
Elizabeth Routledge sole executrix proved 26 Nov 1613 by widow
James Routledge Wit
William Nixon Wit
William Burne Wit
George Nixon Wit
John Routledge Wit
Edward Routledge Wit
Christopher Nixon Wit
Proved at Carlisle, 26 Nov 1613

The Inventory of all goods and cattells (sic) of William Routlidge yonger of the parish of Bucastle deceased prised by Willilam Routlidge, James Routlidge, William Nixon and William Routlidge elder the 19 day of Nov 1612 [should read 1613]

2 oxen 40s
His apparel 25s
Corne and hay 5s
Insight 10s
One panne 4s
Total £4 5s 4d
Debts which the testator oweth
Alexander Nixon 33s 4d
Edward Routlidge 12d
Elizabeth, his sister 3s 4d

Will of James Routledge of the Ash, Bewcastle, undated, proved at Carlisle 17 Oct 1617
To be buried in the churchyard of Bewcastle
Thomas Routledge, of the Ash brother one black belted oxe strike
Richard Routledge of the Ash brother one red cowed quy
Elizabeth Foster sister black stott
Elenor Routeldge wife rest of goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable shared with children co-executor with eldest son Francis
Francis Routledge eldest son rest of goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable shared with Mother co-executor with mother
Elenor Routeldge daughter rest of goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable shared with Mother
James Routledge son rest of goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable shared with Mother
George Routledge son rest of goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable shared with Mother
Thomas Routledge friend, Wit
Archilles Routledge friend, Wit
Richard Foster friend, Wit
Cuthbert Routledge of Okeshaw friend, wit
Edward Routledge Wit
Richard Routledge wit

10 Oct 1617 The Inventory of all the goods and chattels of James Routledge of the ashe within the parish of Bewcastle deceased prised by John Foster, Quintyn Sowerby, Archilles Routledge and Thomas Routledge de kill
4 oxen £6
4 stottes £3
19 kine and 9 followers £24
A black mare 10s
Corne and hay 50s
17 hogges 42s 6d
His apparel 20s
One brasse pott and a pan 4s
2 tubbes, one kitt, dishes and other insight geare 15s
2 chaires, one crooke and a pare of tongs 2s
one plough, one wayne, one yoke and plough irons 2s 6d
2 kine in the hands of Ingram barnefather 53s 4d
Black quy in the hands of Thomas Henders on sleetbeck alias Johns Thom 26s
One cow in the hands of Thomas Sowerby 26s 4d
One oxe in the hands of John Routledge 26s 8d
In the hands of Thomas Routledge of Ashe 20s [doesn’t say what]
One black braded (sic) oxe 30s
Total £49 8s 4d

Debtes owinge by the deceased:
Edward Routledge of the Ash 2s
John Routledge of Kinkerhill 3s 4d
William Ellwood 3s
David Little 14s
John foster 6s 8d
George Foster 16s
Henry Browham 8s
For harvest work 9s 4d
For funeral expenses 11s 10d
Francis Urwen 15s 4d
Total £4 19s 6d

TERMINOLOGY: View of the Agriculture of Cumberland, Bailey & Culley
Bigg barley
Bosaned bausond, the mare was piebald or had white spots on a black or bay ground
Branded brindled, meaning of mixed color
Choise kowe outstanding animal
Cowda a small cow
Cowdie a small cow
Cowey hornless beast
Cowed quy red polled heifer
Haver oats
Hogges/hog young sheep between the age of weaning and first clipping
Insight household goods
Keb Ewe a ewe that has dropped a dead lamb
Kitt a barrel or tub usually with a lid
Kowday small or stunted polled animal of either sex, probably akin to the Gallowy breed.
Neates year-old cattle
Nowlt cattle
Ramish/rammish rough or violent, perhaps lusty. It also means rank or foul smelling
Skilling shelled oats
Stirke/stirk a young beast, formerly a year-old bullock
Stone of wool 16 lbs.
Stot bullock under 2 years
Why/whie spelt quey, a heifer

These wills help to group the families and I did use this technique looking at them as mentioned above.

Interesting that in the will of James Routledge of the ASH (1617) he refers to Cuthbert Routledge of Okeshaw as his friend and witness. In his case he has brothers Thomas and Richard, sister Elizabeth Foster, wife is Elenor Routledge and children: Francis, Elenor, James, and George. Friends Thomas and Archilles Routledge (of Kill or is this Hill where my Thomas Routledge lived and was the father of my 4x great grandmother Grace Routledge) and witnesses Edward and Richard Routledge (also of Oakshaw perhaps as they occur below Cuthbert).

William Routledge in his will of 1612 is of Todholes and he mentions his wife Izabell Routledge (with child), Elizabeth his daughter and Edward Routledge his nephew (his sister's son). Witnesses include James Routledge, John Routledge and Edward Routledge.

James Routledge of the Bailey head (1612 will) names his wife Janet Routledge, his eldest son Thomas to inherit the Baileyhead, his second son Richard to inherit Sleetbecke and Nuke, James Routledge son, William Routledge son, John Routledge son. Witnesses included William Routledge, Simon Routledge, George Routledge, Adam Routledge and Gerard Routledge.

Rowland Routledge of the Newke (1597 will) names his son Adam Routledge and his grandson (son of Adam) Adam Routledge. Elizabeth Routledge of Crookeburne is the daughter of Gracie Routledge and he wishes his grandson Adam to marry Elizabeth and they will then have his tenement at Newke (was occupied by Rowland's father Richard Routledge). Gracie Routledge has a son Thomas. Witnesses include Gracie Routledge, John Routledge (husband of Grace Routledge).

John Routledge of the Blackdubs (will of 1587) mentions his wife but not by name. His brother Nycholl, his sister Annas Bell, his oldest son Thomas to inherit Stedinge. Mentions Andrew Routledge alias Blackstaffe, Hob (Robert) Routledge of Myer, Richard Routledge of Cumcrooke and William Routledge of the Croft.

I have a number of wills that I purchased five years ago and I think that I should now transcribe all of them to see if they provide any illumination on my Routledge families.

Tomorrow I shall begin work on that.

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