Monday, February 8, 2010

Routledge Wills

From the Carlisle Record Office, Abstracts of Wills

Carlisle Record Office Will of George Nixon, Yeo of Longeknow, Bewcastle, 1732, pg 213
Archibald Routledge, nephew, husband of Jane Routledge
James Routledge, nephew, son of Thomas and brother of Mary
Jane Routledge, w o Archibald Routledge
Mary Routledge, niece, d o Thomas and sister of James
Thomas Routledge, brother in law? Father of niece Mary and nephew James
Thomas Routledge, s o William R* of Crew
Thomas Routledge, Bach of Kirbecks, Bc
Thomas Routledge, Wit
William Routledge, of Crew father of Thomas
Matthew Soulby, Wit
Thomas Forrester, Wit
Anne Foster, niece d o sister Margaret Foster
Elizabeth Foster, Niece d o sister Margaret
Margaret Foster, sister mother of Anne & Elizabeth Foster
Anne Nixon, wife
John Nixon, brother, plus his two daughters, unnamed
Thomas Nixon, brother
James Noble, of Flatt, nephew brother of Jane Noble
Jane Noble, niece, sister of James

Archibald Routledge, named in the will, is baptized in 1694 and the son of Robert Routledge and Grizzel Foster. His wife Jane Nixon was the daughter of John Nixon and Ann Armstrong. George's other sister married Thomas Routledge. I didn't find that marriage yet.

Amazing how much you can see in these abstracts.

We ended up going to work on a talk for a group in May so I didn't accomplish much more. I did do a writeup for my husband for his Ottawa Genealogist journal on searching at the Albany New York State Archives.

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