Monday, March 22, 2010

Chénier Family

Yesterday I worked on the Chénier family. Jean Baptiste Chénier married Anna Racine 15 May 1882 at Montréal. Jean Baptiste was born at Les Cédres 22 Feb 1858 and Anna was born at Ste Scholastique 19 Oct 1858. Their marriage lines showed Jean Baptiste to be the son of Cyprien Chénier and Octavie Campeau. The parents of Anna Racine were Edouard Racine and Elisabeth Douras. The name Douras is hard to read in the register and I am still not positive on the spelling of this surname. However a check for the name in Ireland reveals this to be the spelling and this is an Irish family. Elisabeth and her siblings came to Québec with their father James likely following the death of their mother Mary Attewell in Ireland. Since she married in 1848 they arrived prior to that and possibly during the Irish Famine Emigrations.

Cyprien Chénier married Octavie Campeau 13 Aug 1855 at Vaudreuil. He was born 31 Jul 1831 at Les Cédres and she was born 7 Oct 1834 at Coteau du Lac. Their marriage lines gave the names of their parents.

Parents of Cyprien Chénier were: Joseph Antoine Chénier and Marie Charlotte Levac. I have not yet found their marriage.

Parents of Octavie Campeau were Louis Campeau and Marie Angélique Cousineau and their married 18 Feb 1822 at Vaudreuil.

Fortunately I was able to find the parents of Joseph Antoine Chénier as he was born 10 Jun 1782 at Pointe-Claire and baptized 12 Jun 1782 at St Joachim. His parents were Joseph Marie Chénier and Marie Rose Brabant who married 29 Jul 1776 at Pointe Claire.

Continuing back in the Chénier family, Joseph Marie Chénier was born 15 Aug 1743 at Carillon and his parents were Joseph Julien Chénier and Marie Josephte (Céleste) Pilet. Julien and Marie Josette were married 21 Nov 1740 at Lachine.

Parents of Joseph Julien Chénier were: Jean Baptiste Chénier and Barbe Rapin. They married 7 Apr 1709 at Lachine. Their marriage lines indicated the names of their parents.

Parents of Marie Josephte Pilet were Joseph Pilet and Jeanne Fortier. They married 1 Feb 1699 at Lachine. Their marriage lines indicated the names of their parents.

Parents of Jean Baptiste Chénier were Jean Chénier and Geneviève Feret. They were married 8 Feb 1683 at Pointe aux Trembles. Their marriage lines indicated the names of their parents.

Parents of Barbe Rapin were André Rapin and Clémence Jarry. They were married 25 Nov 1669 at Montréal. Their marriage lines indicated the names of their parents.

The parents of Jean Chénier were Jean Chénier and Jacqueline Sedilot. They were married 23 Oct 1651 at Québec City. Their marriage lines indicated the names of their parents.

The parents of Geneviève Feret were Pierre Feret and Mare Lasnon. They were married 24 Nov 1667 at Québec City. Their parents were listed on the marriage lines.

The parents of André Rapin were Jean Rapin and Marie Bousandeau who married in France.

The parents of Clémence Jarry were Eloy Jarry and Jeanne Merrin who married in Montréal 9 Nov 1654. Clémence was born at Montréal 5 Feb 1656. The names of their parents were listed in the marriage lines.

The parents of Jean Chénier were Jean Chénier and Marguerite Birost and they married in France.

The parents of Jacqueline Sedilot were Louis Sedilot and Marie Grimoult and they married in France.

The parents of Pierre Ferré were Jean Ferré and Marguerite Tanquet who were married in France.

The parents of Marie Lasnon were Gilles Lasnon and Colette Laisné and they were married in France.

The parents of Eloy Jarri were Elois Jarri and Francoise Chevalier. They were married in France.

The parents of Jeanne Mairé were Michaelis Mairé and Catherine Archanster (sp) and they were married in France

I will continue with the Campeau line another day.

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