Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dog Sitting Day Two

Today dawned bright and warm and beautiful for an early March day leading to more melting unfortunately. I had thought we would have the snow for the week that we were babysitting the dogs. However, the ground is quite frozen in the morning so that they can run and play out there and get cleaned up with a damp cloth. The afternoon is a different matter and I sponge bathed the larger dog. For the rest of the week we will stick with the mornings.

We also went for a brisk 2k walk around the large block which they both enjoyed. The bigger dog is slowly getting used to the area and is barking less frequently which is good. I have him sit quite a bit whilst the smaller dog does his sniffing and actually he doesn't mind. It gives him a chance to familiarize himself with the area and the people.

Tomorrow we are into Day three of a seven day tour of duty and by Tuesday night we are half way through. The older dog picked up a small rose thorn in his foot which my husband managed to remove. He is 15 nearly 16 years old but still moving very well and can readily manage a 2k walk.

Will I do it again? Well probably not as it will probably not happen again quite this way. The dogs are quite sweet. The younger one is missing our daughter dreadfully and sits on my lap and licks my hands. He is trying to make up for her not being here for him.

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