Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Farley family

I received a contact on Genes Reunited for the Farley family. Mary Ann Blake (sister to my great grandfather Edward Blake) married David Farley June quarter 1853 at Andover Hampshire. Mary Ann was baptized 2 Oct 1831 at Upper Clatford. They had nine children including George Farley who married Edith Pearce. George was born March quarter 1855 at Andover. Their daughter Muriel was grandmother to the person who contacted me. My contact's father Richard is my third cousin. Mostly I find fourth cousins so this was quite an exciting contact. Since I do not have any first cousins and few second cousins a third cousin seems very close although probably not to most third cousins :)

The contact is fairly new to genealogy and can not add anything to my Blake quest although being "on the spot" so to speak there is a potential of her learning a great deal about the family and I hope she keeps me tuned for any advancements. I can at least provide information on what is known for sure.

Today is a canning day - we will make chili sauce which is a five hour marathon but tastes delicious at the end. All that work for seven or eight jars! The elderberry jelly turned out very well though and it is the first time that we have made elderberry jelly - usually pies or the birds eat them all!

We worked on the Schultz family the last couple of days. We are making up a new chart with all the discoveries of this past year. That is our primary need at the moment to complete that and prepare for a visit to the Archives of Ontario, Queensville and Baysville to visit the local cemeteries there and look around a little to see where the Abbes, Link, and Allen families lived in these areas. My husband's mother was a Link and her grandfather's mother was Mary Ann Abbes (a newly found ancestress).

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