Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day and continuing transcription of Andover Parish Registers

We were downtown at the National War Memorial for Remembrance Day today along with about 30,000 other people. It was nice to see so many. I can remember years when there were just a few and we had a front row seat looking at the War Memorial. I do not mind that we no longer do as it is so nice to see so many people there.

The parade was right in front of us as they traveled towards the Valiants Statues beside the War Memorial. We couldn't see the new Governor General but the reviewing stand was about half of a block away from us.

We then joined the lineups to leave our poppy on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. As always it was well covered and we were at the first year when the spontaneous leaving of the poppy first occurred. I hope it continues thus.

Then back home to work on the transcriptions and I am into the burials now. This will be difficult and there are many blank spots and partial names. There were 2257 burials up to the end of 1641. I am now at 2824 but it has been a slow transcription. This is a very necessary part of the transcription with respect to the Blake burials in order to determine that the John Blake that is the father of Thomas Blake did indeed survive childhood. The other alternative is Thomas Blake son of John Blake a brother to William Blake (Clerk and the father of John) which would work quite well and I can not think why I bypassed him earlier. Once I have determined that either / or of being buried or living to adulthood then back to the wills to see if John left one.

I will continue with transcriptions tomorrow of the Burial Register. I may start working on another project as well to save my eyes as this is very difficult transcription.

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