Saturday, March 19, 2011

Allen County Public Library

A recent visit to the Allen County Public Library allowed me to itemize the books which they hold on the Blake family. I will extract information from them and then note where they have used Somerby's assumptions about the ancestry of the Blake family.

I also collected the 1641-62 Protestations Returns for Wiltshire which I will transcribe and extract the Blake fanmily members from it. There is so much work to do on the Blake family and I want to ensure that I my methodology collects the best sources and then eventually I will start to put some of it together.

I am working on my display at Gene-O-Rama for the Guild of One Name Studies. I want to let people see the value of one name studies work and especially mention my Blake study. There is a large group of Blake families descendant of the Galway Blake line that I would like to interest in yDNA studies.

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