Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Canham at Fugglestone St Peter Wiltshire

The surname Canham has always been a brickwall ever since Warwick Lywood passed me the name of the wife of George Lywood (baptized 11 Nov 1750 at Fugglestone St Peter). George Lywood and Elizabeth Canham married 18 Jul 1780 at West Harnham. Elizabeth was buried 9 Feb 1829 at Odstock at the age of 77 giving an approximate year of birth as 1752. Looking at the Surname Profiler (World) shows the highest density for this surname to be in the British Isles, second highest in Australia/New Zealand  with a much lower frequency in North America. The village of Fugglestone St Peter is one mile east of Wilton and basically on the way into Salisbury these days. We passed by the roadsign on our tour of England.

The surname Canham is a locational name and the greatest frequency of this surname is in East Anglia with a slightly lower level in Wiltshire. In 1881 there were 49 occurrences per million names and in 1998 there were 51 occurrences per million names. It is thought to be a British name. Looking at the Protestation Returns for this area and Fugglestone St Peter includes Quidhampton and Bemerton and is listed in the Protestation Returns as:

Foulstan and Quidhampton

Uryah Bankes, curat
Thom Baker, churchwarden
George Bacon, churchwarden
William Scammell, overseer
John Feltham
Jarvise Hillman
William Ellis
John Ward
William Richards
Thomas Benger
George Feltham
Edward Feltham
Oliu Abun
John Froth
Roger Blake
Nicholas Blake
Thomas Gibbs
Mathewe Gibbs
John Mackerell, senior
John Mackerell, junior
Gilbert Watkins
Roger Meryvall
Edmond Targett
Richard Brashier
Edmond Ellis
John Thringe
Charles Blake
Randoll Bolton
Nicholas Topp
John Cooper
Roger Bacon
John Bacon, junior
John Bacon, senior
William Bacon
Richard Bacon
John White
William Privett
John Higgons
Henrey Best
Robert Elliott
Robert Starr
John Griffith
Richard Abyn


Adam Ranger, curat
Robert Bower
John Moowdye
Leonard Cooke
Thomas Ward
Robert Ward
Thomas Biggs
Henrey Ranger
Thomas Stevens
Thomas Cooper
William Bacon
John Grey
John Best, senior
John Best, junior
Thomas Ward
Nicholas Subdeane
Edward Ward
Robert Sheppard
Richard Goodfellowe
Richard Best
Humfry Creed
Richard Croatch
Vincent Fugar
Richard Daniell, senior
Henry Spelt
Richard Daniell, junior

I did not find a Canham family in this particular parish but the marriage was in West Harnham and the Protestion Returns:

West Harneham

John Fox, Minister
Richard Beevis, Churchwarden
John Jeffery, Churchwarden
Anthony Blethman, Overseer
John Bacon, Overseer
Robert Elliott, Tythingman
John Younge, gent
Steven Bowman, gent
Roger Langley
Richard Elliott
Henrey Orpen
William Dyer
Phillipp Mintorne
William Gigges
Thomas Barber
William Adlam
William Strugnell
Robert Thomas
Josias Luxan
John Stone
William Limington
Christopher Orron
William Crosman
Richard Laurence
James Lake
John Higgins
Richard Thomas
John Samuel
Richard Quent
John Strugnell, senior
John Strugnell, junior
John Jefferye, senior
William Randoll
John Randoll
John Jeffery, junior
William Jeffery
Richard Jeffrey, senior
Richard Jeffrey, junior
Richard Elliott
Bennett Jefferye
Joseph Mitchell
Walter Haylock
Thomas Head
William Mintorne
George Waterman
Oliu' Whinge
Henry Jefferey
Abraham Strange
Isaack Snelner
Nicholas Jefferey
John Stent
Robert Lymington
William Jefferye
William Ward
John Parker

I have begun my Protestation Returns from the Wiltshire Notes and Queries into a flat file it would appear. No sign of the Canham family in West Harneham.

I need to purchase the West Harnham Parish Register fiche to see if there is anything in the register that might give me details on the Canham family. I wonder if they have filmed the original parish registers? Hampshire Record Office did an absolutely superb job of filming their parish registers.

It would appear that in eight weeks when I look at this family again I shall be checking on family trees on World Connect and Ancestry to see if anything further has been posted which might give me some clues on this family.

George Lywood and Elizabeth Canham are my 4x great grandparents and the parents of George Lywood (baptized 7 May 1786 at West Harnham) and married to Martha Peck 26 October 1817 at Milston.

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