Friday, May 20, 2011

Beard family at Bermondsey, London, UK

Henry Beard married Elisabeth Hemsley 31 Mar 1766 at St Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey.They were my 4x great grandparents and the parents of Mary Beard who married Christy Buller.

No. 65
Henry Beard of this Parish Batchelor
and Elizabeth Hemsley of the
same Parish Spinster
Married in this Church by Banns
this thirty first day of March in the Year One thousand Seven
Hundred and Sixty Six by me F Maltus Minister
This Marriage was solemnized between Us the mark of Henry Beard, Elizabeth Hemsley [signed]
In the Presence of Richard French and Mary Burton

Richard French and Mary Burton are unknown to me and do not appear to be "regular" signers of the registrar. I shall attempt to learn more about them. Elizabeth Hemsley being able to sign the register is rather interesting and Henry Beard not doing so is equally interesting as he was a felmonger (at Mary's baptism) and then a tanner and appears to have had a substantial will to leave. Perhaps he just couldn't bother to sign and preferred to simply make his preferred mark (he makes the same mark at his wedding as he made on his will).

 Next research day I shall look at the witnesses to see if I can learn anything more from these people.

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