Monday, May 16, 2011

Sproxton Family of Great Driffield and Hutton Cranswick, East Yorkshire Riding

Ann Sproxton married John Cobb 24 Nov 1782 at Lund (near Beverley) East Riding of Yorkshire. The priest had given the birthplace of Ann as Great Driffield thus permitting me to readily trace this rather interesting surname back to Great Driffield where Ann Sproxton was baptized 14 Sep 1760 and the daughter of Richard Sproxton and Ann Harland who themselves had married 24 Dec 1753 at Great Driffield. Richard was buried 3 May 1770 at Great Driffield (Ann his wife was buried 17 May 1797 at Great Driffield and so outlived her husband by 27 years).  This post too was lost in its draft state on 12 May 2011 (I was in a bit of a catch up mode at the time).

Their family consisted of

Daniel baptized 12 Mar 1754 at Great Driffield

Richard baptized 10 Oct 1756 at Great Driffield and married to Frances Dent 12 Apr 1790 at Tunstall. I have traced this family down a couple of generations if anyone is looking for that information.

Ann (as above)

Dyna baptized 22 Jun 1765 at Great Driffield

This family was one of my great finds and a true brickwall breaker at Salt Lake City in the Family History Library. The surname of Ann marrying John Cobb had been transcribed as Sprowston everywhere that I looked. Examining the marriage registration carefully though showed that indeed the ws was an x which had been elaborately written by the officiating priest and misunderstood by transcribers over the years. This single finding permitted me to take the Sproxton family back several generations. Because I had limited my time at Salt Lake City, I photographed pages of the records there and then later ordered in film which I also photographed. I have decided that I will transcribe this material when I am working on this research day. I will first do the Parish Registers of Great Driffield and then Hutton Cranswick. Because of the nature of the photography and in some instances I was looking only for my pertinent names there will be entries missing and I will attempt to leave a space when this is the case. It is, of course, necessary to check the original for yourself in order to determine whether or not an entry is yours or whether there is an entry not transcribed in a particular set of data and the recording of dates will be Old Style (i.e. year runs from 25 Mar to 24 Mar).

Great Driffield
Thomas Bonnocke 3 Apr
Susann Taylor 3 Apr

Robert Skudleafe __
Leonard Gardmore __
Gilberte Souley __
Isabell Sounton __
John Wutson __
Joanne Hobkinson __

Alice Gardner 4 Jun
Willyam Runton 18 Jun

John Ducke 10 Oct
M_bell Ducke 10 Oct
Willyam Hobson 13 Oct
Elizabeth Hobkinson 25 Oct
Thomas Ducke __ Nov
Sharon Perkin __ Nov

Margret ___son __
Richard Clarke __
Richard Gy_es  __

John Puttyson _
Robert Ma_son __
Isabell Bea_e Feb
Francis Spe__
S___y Gardner

John Appleby 12 Oct
Thomas Smyth 20 Oct
A___ Browne 30 Oct

William Taller 12 Nov
Robert B___ 3 Dec
John Ducke 23 Dec
Isabell More 9 Jan
Leonard Bonwicke _ Jan

John B_ridge 20 Nov
Elisbeth Byrde  6 Dec

Isabell Etherington __ Mar
George Etherington __ Apr
Richard Nicholson __ Apr
Elisabeth Gardner __ May

E___ ____son   _ Jul
John ___
John Bosse__

[These entries follow 1565 but date can not be read by me)

Jo___ Etherington
Agnes Tooli_
George Tharley
Marmaducke Etherington
Agnes W__thrill
Ellice Welbourne
Ellin Forrese
Ellice Bur___
Dorithie [obliterated]
Thomas [obliterated]
George [obliterated]
Richard W______
Thomas [obliterated]
Thomas Clarke
Margaret Gardiner
Catherine Smyth
Catherine Sendon
Catherine H__tome
Ellice Sh__ke
Catherine Perkin
Thomas M_r_eson
Isabell Edwarde
Catherine Etherington
John Sw_il_
Anne _elson
George Corck__
Catherine Symson
Christopher Young
Willyam Barcker
Andrew Bonbie
John Thorley
Dionis H__ome
Catherine Chrispin
George Hunter
John Milner
Willyam Essey
Richard Bonwicke
Dionis Hopkinson
John Ro__ton
Randall Alkinson
John Byrde
Dorithie Gardiner
Anne Walker
Catherine Goodwine
John Byrde
Willyam __eeke

The next set appears to be 1570s so will carry on with that next time.

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