Thursday, May 26, 2011

Whélan Family

On the 1871 census Thomas Whélan and his wife listed as Emilie Whélan are living at Quebec city and he is a carpenter (they have seven children listed (their daughter Emélie married Charles Alexandre Bédard in 1863) and Thomas lists his Origin as French.

Thomas Welland married Emilie Fournier dit Larose 13 Jan 1835 at Notre Dame Cathedral in Québec City.

M 1 Thomas Welland and Emilie Fournier dit Larose

Le treize janvier mil huir cent trente cinq après la
publication de trois bans de mariage faite aux prones des messes pa
raissoiles de Québec entre Thomas Welland peinteur, domicilié en la
paroisse de Québec, fils majeur de feu Thomas Welland et de defunte Elizabeth
pepin dit Lachance d'une part; et Emilie Fournier dit Larose, fille mineure
de Jean Baptiste Fournier dit Larose et de Elizabeth Labbé, domiciliée, ainsi
que leur dite fille en la paroisse de Québec, d'autre part; auque la dite
Emilie Fournier dit Larose avait le consentement de ses peère et mère
et que d'ailleurs il n'opparaissait aucun empechement nous pretre Curé
de Québec soussigné avont reçu leur mutuel consentement de mariage et
leur avons donné la bénédiction nuptiale en présence de pierre drolet
ami de l'époux et de Joseph Fournier dit Larose, père de l'épouse
qui tous deux ainsi que les époux ont déclaré ne savoir signer
M T Baillargeon Pretre

The priest has recorded his surname as Welland although the census uses Whélan as the surname.

The burial of Thomas Welland is recorded at Sherington

S 3 Thomas Welland

Le huir Fevrier mil huit cent soixante
cinq Nous curé soussigné avons inhume
dans le cimetière de cette paroisse le
corps de Thomas Welland décédé avante
hier a l'agé de soxiante treize ans
veuf de Mary Griffin de cette paroisse.
Etaient présents François Gilineau
et Raymond Robert qui son déclaré ne savoir signer

J Mineau Pretre

I do not know if this is the father of Thomas Welland married to Elisabeth Pépin dit Lachance, I have not yet found this marriage. In contact with another researcher and he hasn't been able to locate the marriage or discover anything further on Thomas Welland/Whélan.

Noting that Thomas Whélan married to Emilie Fournier dit Larose saw his origin as French, I think that I should perhaps look further back in the registers and not assume that Thomas Welland is necessarily from Ireland in the late 1700s. I did indeed find that one of the witnesses at the burial of Patrice Whelan in 1802 was Pierre Bédard. I also found there were two Bédard/Whélan marriages in the late 1700s. More investigation needed into this and see what I can find on the Whélan family in the 1700s. Next research for the Whelan will involve my having a look at the records in the 1700s for this family.

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