Thursday, June 9, 2011

Audet dit Lapointe Family

Léa Audet dite Lapointe married Jean Baptiste Nepveu/Nepvu 4 Sep 1882 at St François de Sales, Point Gatineau. The marriage registration I have not yet found. However Léa Lapointe has lots of indicators on her parentage as she is found with her mother (a widow) on the 1871 census at Point Gatineau. Olive Lapointe with her four children: Cadelia 10, Léa 8, Hyacinthe 6, and Elie 3 living in the Township of Templeton, West Ottawa District. The 1881 census lists Olive Lapointe with her two sons Hyacinthe 15 and Elie 12 (both daughters are now missing). Although most trees report that the marriage was in 1882 I haven't found Léa on the 1881 census yet and will move to look at that today. Her husband to be is living at Point Gatineau - Jean Baptiste with parents Jean Baptiste and Adélaide. Proximity and the baptisms of their children assist in placing these two people into their respective family groupings but the marriage lines would be nice to verify this placement.

The 1861 census for the Lapointe family is one that I would particularly like to find and have not been able to do so thus far. I have found two rather interesting baptisms at St Hermas:

B 70  Mathilide Audet

Le vingt septembre mil huit cent cinquante quatre
nous pretre soussigné avons baptisé Mathilde née hier
du legitime mariage de François Audet de cette paroisse
et de Olive Richer. Parrain Jean _____ Paradis; Marain
Aynifse Broyer qui n'ai plus que le père n'ont su signer
P Poutin Pretre

Also at St Hermas:

B 37 Zoé Audet

Le vingt huit avril mil huit cent cinquante
sept nous pretre soussigné avons baptisé
Zoé née hier du legitime mariage
de François Audet journalier et d'Olive
Richer e cette paroisse. Le parrain
a été Emerie Saintonge, la marraine
Zoé Richer qui ainsi que le père
n'ont pu signer

L Turcot Pretre

These two children (Mathilde and Zoé) do not appear on the census in 1871; the eldest child on the census is Cordelia age 10. Olive is a widow on the 1871 census. I will turn to looking for the baptisms of the other children and the burial of François Audet dit Lapointe. An hour of searching and no luck yet and I will return to this with the next research day for this family.

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