Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gardening and Genealogy

I have discovered that gardening and genealogy are not really very compatible. I have been gardening a lot the last couple of months and my genealogy schedule has fallen by the way side. I decided today that I would stop working on my scheduled names until the gardening is finished in the fall.

That will mean that when I begin again August 26 with the Dumoulin which would have been my next transcription/research day in logical order for the French Canadian research of our son in law and daughter's family.

Also for my own family I will start again with the King family  September 19. However, I will continue working on my Blake and Pincombe one name studies.

Lately I have been in correspondence with a Blake line that is found initially in the Somerset area, London area and then moved up into the Cumberland area and then back to the Isle of Wight. This Blake line was involved in the West Indes trade. I like it when people write to me about their Blake line because it gives me a chance to categorize groups of Blake.

A couple of weeks back I worked on one Blake line and was rewarded with a set of pictures which greatly add to any particular line. I was able to work back to a John Blake but too many of them to be sure of which line to continue back.

For my own Blake line I have not been spending too much time at the moment. I want to get back to the Abbotts Ann Registers once the Fall arrives again. It is hard to do microfiche in the summer as the light level is just too bright for too long a time generally from 4:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. It is nice to have the long day though because the winter days are short although not as short as in England. When my daughter and I visited in November it was already dark at 3:30 p.m.

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